Nailing It Down
MK comments (26 July
2004): There is much more to talk about on this page.
The shot to the
left was taken in the recently opened Bridge Studio of
Houston and hung on the wall there for many years and then hung on the
wall at Bobby's Nail Bridge Club (a joint for money
bridge only) for many years more.
The "glamour" shot above was the work of
Brad Gentry (a friend and fellow bridge player since 1947) to test his
camera abilities and also as an excuse to photograph Julie.
This next photo below was clipped from the official booklet for the 1961 Bermuda Bowl. A Victory Ball for the Good Losers is the page that tells the story that goes with it.
North America
In the
inset (a halo?):
John Gerber, NPC
(left to right):
Charles Coon
Mervin Key
Ron von der Porten.
(left to right):
Eric Murray
G. Robert Nail
Lew Mathe.
The photos below are of some of the
"regular" players at the new Bridge Studio of Houston in the early 1960s. They
were all taken by Bob Stucker and sent to me by Julie
Harding who, at the time of the photos, was named Julie Key.
The Bridge Studio of Houston had originally been located in a house on Graustark Street and operated by me and Dick Sutton. The new Bridge Studio of Houston moved to its own building (planned by me) which was finished and opened for business (not too long before the arrival of Hurricane Carla in 1961) at 2425 Norfolk (now the site of the Mucky Duck night club). In its early days on Norfolk, it was operated by me, Julie, and Bobby and Betty Nail.
Here are those photos:
Nancy Hilton
Ardeen Smith
Walter Lowenstern
"Boots" Richardson
? and Mickey Finn ?
North America Team
In the inset (a halo?):
John Gerber, NPC
(left to right):
Charles Coon
Mervin Key
Ron von der Porten.
Seated (left to right):
Eric Murray
G. Robert Nail
Lew Mathe.
For the
story that goes with this one, visit
A Victory Ball for the Good Losers .
the rude bridge
Photo Finish Show
The 1961 Trials - Hand One