Imjin Buddy Bunker - Page Three
Entry #13 - 1 Jan 2001
David H. Dudley
Served in Korea: KIA 4 Feb 1952 on OP Kelly while in 2nd Plt, Co B, 15th Inf Rgt.
The Story: John Fennimore has posted a fond remembrance of him on Dudley's Page.
Entry # 14 - 1 Jan 2001
7956 Foppiano Lane
Stockton, CA 95212-9469
E-mail: Fred Hofheinz c/o J. C. Poe
Served in
Korea: August 1951 -
August 1952 in Able Company, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: His story will be told through J. C. Poe, an
Imjin Buddy, and maybe others.
J. C. Poe add-on: This is for Fred as he is not into computers! He was the radio operator for the 1st Platoon, then for Cpt Pearson, then for Cpt Fowler. In his letter to me, he said that he located the grave of Jim Carrigan in Sacramento and added, "He was killed in Jan 1952 when he stepped on a mine while on patrol at our Imjin River position. Sgt Jones went to get him out of the minefield when he set off another mine and was knocked out."
Jim Carrigan and Sgt Jones were brought out by a 10 man detail including J. C. Poe and Cpt Pearson.
In a letter to me, Cpt Pearson said, "Just as we were leaving at dawn, about 150 Chinese came out of their bunkers and foxholes about 150 yards away and watched us leave. They did not fire at us and we sure as hell did not fire at them."
Sgt Jones was later awarded a Battlefield Commission and moved to B Company. Fred sent me the pictures of the refugees coming through our line and they have been given to Mervin for inclusion at a time of his choosing. I know Fred would like to hear from anyone in Can Do Able at that time. J. C. Poe.
MK add-on (2 Feb 2001): Problem solved!! To view the refugee photos mentioned above, click on Refugees, Snyder, Key, and a Goat.
(21 Feb 2001) All of Fred's photos have now been posted on six pages beginning with Fall to Winter. Those pages have photos of many Able men and tales of their activities, including the refugee story and stories about the events during the POW camp expedition - The POW (and how!) Place. It's a great page! MK.
Entry #15 - 8 Jan 2001
Louis Bernard Conde
Served in Korea: KIA 29 Jan 1952 while in the 2nd Plt of Co B, 15th Inf Rgt.
The Story: Richard J. Lawrence has posted a fond remembrance of Lou him and recounted some of the events of 29 Jan 1952 on Lou's Page.
Entry #16 - 10 Jan 2001
Herbert T.
P.O. Box 5093
Willowwick, Ohio 44095
E-mail: Herb
Phone (home): 440-516-0885
Served in Korea: Dec 1951 to Jul 1952 (est.) in Co H 15th Inf Rgt 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: J. C. Poe (#2) note: Herb asked me to make his entry and has sent me photos taken on Hill 355. I sent them on along to Mervin. I expect that Herb may add more to his story later on. J. C.
MK note: His photos, mostly in the Hill 355 area, and the tales that go with them begin with Herb & Houseman. Those tales tell much of Herb's story. MK.
Entry #17 - 11 Jan 2001
German O. Bolen
Served in Korea: KIA 24 Apr 1952 while in the 4th Sqd, 2nd Plt, Co B, 15th Inf Rgt.
The Story: Richard J. Lawrence has posted a fond remembrance of him on Bolen's Page.
Entry # 18 - 11 Jan 2001
212 El Dorado Drive
Debary, Florida 32713
E-mail: Shirley Taylor
Phone: 407-668-9399
Served in
Korea: Sep 1951 - Jun 1952
in 2nd Plt, Co B, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: Note:
Ron said he will tell his
story soon. MK.
A sad note (21 Jan 2003): Earlier this month, Dr. Donald Sonsalla (#3), a fellow B/15/3 buddy of Ron, reported by email to some of the Bunker guys and others that Ron had passed away and that Baker Company was giving a $50.00 donation to the Emery Bennett Veterans Nursing Home in Daytona Beach in remembrance of Ron Taylor.
Don added, "Ron was a brave man and a good soldier. We will remember him in our thoughts and prayers."
Don also furnished a copy of an article that was in the Dayton Beach newspaper:
Ronald Taylor
DEBARY -- Ronald Lee Taylor, 70, of Eldorado Drive, a retired carpenter for
Welbro Construction, Altamonte Springs, died Tuesday at home. Mr. Taylor, an
Army veteran of the Korean War, was born in Lakeview, Mich. He moved here seven
years ago from Kissimmee. He was a member of New Life Bible Church, Orange City,
and Veterans of Foreign Wars, DeBary. Survivors include his wife of 48 years,
Shirley; two sons, Brad, Osteen, and Brent, Orange City; two sisters, Bonnie Olger, Bath, Mich., and Deanna Collins, Perry, Mich.; and two grandchildren.
I then contacted Shirley Taylor, Ron's wife, for more information and she was kind enough to tell me that Ron was born on 8 Jan 1932 and passed away on 7 Jan 2003.
Not only the passing on of Ron, but also the fact that his poor health prevented him from telling us more of his story is, indeed, a sad loss to all of us in the Bunker.
I have made Ron an
honorary member of the IBB Last Man Club and lit a flame
here as a remembrance of Ron. MK.
Entry # 19 - 16 Jan 2001
Henry H. Yoda
E-mail: Sgt Yoda's son, Hidetaka
Served in
Korea: Before and on 29
Sep 1951 in Co A, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: MK
Note: J C. Poe (Entry #2)
didn't have the details of Yoda's time of service in Able Co or
how to find him now, but was with him on Old Baldy. Both Poe and
I think that Yoda's story, as told by Poe, will be of interest to
the guys in the Bunker. Although the casualty lists say that the
wounds received by Yoda on 29 Sep 1951 were serious enough to
cause his immediate honorable discharge, Poe and I hope that,
someday, Yoda may turn up and pay a visit to the Bunker.
Poe says: On 29 Sept 1951, A and B Companies were engaged in the attack (as the 1st Bn's share of the mission) on Hill 487. A Co advanced to within 75 yards of the crest of its objective, a slope to the peak of Hill 487, when the attack was halted by a shower of grenades and mortar fire.
A "banzai" attack was ordered and A Co deployed in a long skirmish line led by the Company Commander, Cpt Frank B. Tucker, and stormed the Red's positions. The objective was taken. Cpt Tucker was killed in the assault. His courage and leadership were characteristic of many in that day's fight.
Here is the AWARD OF THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS (excerpts) made to Sgt Yoda:
"Sergeant First Class HENRY H. YODA ... a squad leader with an infantry company (A Company 15th Infantry Regiment) distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action against the enemy in the vicinity of Chorwon Korea. On 29 Sep 1951, Sgt Yoda's company was engaged in an attack against a hostile force occupying heavily fortified bunkers on a strategic slope.
"The friendly troops managed to destroy four of the enemy positions but the fifth, a strong bunker which was the key to the entire enemy defense system, poured such a devastating volume of fire into the ranks of the advancing friendly troops that they were pinned down.
"Repeated assaults by special demolition and flame thrower teams failed to dislodge the hostile troops. Realizing that the attack would fail unless immediate and aggressive action was taken, Sgt Yoda led his squad through the pinned down lead elements and attacked the bunker frontally. A shower of enemy grenades halted the squad but Sgt Yoda, taking the initiative, fired two rocket grenades which scored direct hits. Under cover of the confusion created by the explosions, he advanced on the bunker and began hurling grenades.
"In desperation, the enemy troops threw numerous grenades at the exposed position of Sgt Yoda, but he fearlessly dodged some and kicked others aside. Leaping into a trench which connected with the enemy bunker, Sergeant Yoda entered the emplacement, alternately firing his rifle and hurling grenades. He then signaled his squad to advance and take the bunker.
"In the vicious fire-fight which ensued, Sgt Yoda was seriously wounded but his courageous actions enabled the friendly troops to renew their assault and to secure their objective ..."
Poe adds: The action of Sgt Yoda is, without doubt, a big part of the reason the remainder of Able Company was able to serve along the Imjin during the winter of 1951-52. Merv and I have made a page. On Top of Old Baldy is where I show and tell more about the events on and around 29 Sep 1951. J. C. Poe.
MK add-on (25 Feb 2002): Aaron "Art" Ekelchik (#52) came up with, his son scanned and emailed to me, and I have posted an old magazine article modestly written by (or, maybe, ghost written for) Henry about his his 29 Sep 1951 activities on hill 487 for which he was awarded a Silver Star. The article was of particularly great interest to Art, who also was wounded on the same day and on the same hill. I think you will agree with me that the page Get Me With Your First Bullet!! has one helluva great war story on it. MK.
MK late add-on (05 Dec 2002): This email came today on a registry form and has not been edited:
Name: hidetaka
Address: 6-26-13
City-State-Zip: 113-0033
Phone(work): 81-03-3816-1737
FAX: 81-03-3816-1737
URL: Chat Rubi's (jewelry)
The Story: hello
this is Hidetaka Hatanaka[yoda].
Hatanaka is my mather's name.
My father was 3rd division at Korian War.
His name is Henry.H.yoda.
He went back to Hawaii when I was 8months years old.
I never seen my father. I don't have any memories about him.
I heard that my father dead at Sun diego 1980.
If you know something about him, please tell me.
Thanks you.
I did no editing out of respect for Hidetaka's submission and his excellent attempt to communicate in our language; and, I thank him much for his contribution to our Bunker. I hope he is very proud to have had a father like Henry H. Yoda.
Babel Fish is a good web site for the translation of languages. MK.
MK later add-on (08 Dec 2002): See The "Treasures" of Yoda's Son that Hidetaka just emailed me. (6 May 2003) Hidetaka now has a different email address and it's posted above his story. MK.
Entry #20 - 17 Jan 2001
Charley Ferguson
Served in Korea: KIA 31 Jul 1952 while in the 2nd Plt, Co B, 15th Inf Rgt.
The Story: Richard J. Lawrence has posted a fond remembrance of him on Ferguson's Page.
Entry #21 - 17 Jan 2001
R. C.
"Pat" O'Conner
803 Trafalgar Road
Towson, Maryland 21204
E-mail: Pat
Phone: 410-321-8235
Served in
Korea: Nov 1951 to Mar
1952 in Co G, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: I served in the 9th ID during
WWII and was commissioned just weeks before VE Day.
In December 1950, I was called to active duty and reported on 3
Jan 1951. In August, I received overseas orders for Korea, with a
stop at Ft. Benning for a Co Officers refresher course.
I was assigned to G Co, 2nd Bn, 15th Inf in late Nov. First
assignment was as Weapons Platoon Leader until our company
commander rotated home. At that point, I became XO until I also
rotated home in March. During my time in G Co, we were on Hill
355, also known as Dagmar or Little Gibraltar.
MK note (28 Jun 2001): You can view six photos out of Pat's 1951-1952 photo album by clicking on "Pat" Plus on Hill 355. These six were taken on Hill 355 in early 1952. MK.
MK add-on: (19 Jun 2002) Pat asked me to check out the web pages of a buddy under whom and with whom Pat served on "our hills" during parts of 1951 and 1952. Warren G. Reed served on and near "our hills" as CO of Company G, as S-3 of the 2nd Bn, and as Asst S-3 of the 15th Inf Rgt in the 3rd Inf Div.
The tales on Warren's
website, which he named
For Your
Information, are well told at length and the photos there shown are great -
so, your time will be well spent in giving his pages a look-see. I hope you make
it back to the Imjin Buddy Bunker.
In the Bunker already are three other buddies of Pat and Warren. They are Henry H. Burke (#30), Roger Peterson (#31), and Sherwin ("Arc") Arculis (#6). Arc also asked me to make a link to For Your Information at his entry, and I did. MK.
MK late add-on: (16Mar 2003) Pat is another who enjoyed reading the page Korean Stories by Sherwin ("Arc") Arculis (#6) and copied to me an email to Arc. Here is your copy.
"Arc, I just saw your page about your experiences on 355 - a great recollection. I have only one tale to add.
"Before you arrived, the 1st Platoon was without an officer. On one occasion, Marshall assigned me to take that platoon out and setup an ambush on the forward slope of 355.
"About 1:00 or 2:00 AM while I was lying there on the ground, I began to feel the ground shaking and heard very low rumble. The Platoon Sgt crawled over to me and asked what was going on. We could not hear any artillery, coming in or going out, so I finally guessed that it was a mild earthquake. It lasted, perhaps, a few minutes and then everything was back to normal. I am sure that all of us, the whole platoon, had the heebie-jeebies that night! Pat."
Thanks, Pat for passing me this add-on. MK.
Entry # 22 - 29 Jan 2001
Oscar C.
Jones, Rev.
121 Ruby Road
Attica, Indiana 47918
E-mail: Rev. Oscar Jones c/o J. C. Poe
Served in
Korea: Oct 1951 to Oct
1952 in Co A and Co B, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story:
J. C. Poe
note: Oscar
is not into computers and has asked me to add him to the Bunker.
He told me recently that he was a Baptist minister for 45 years
after the war and is now retired.
He was a Sqd Leader, then a Platoon Sgt (a Sfc) in Able Company. He was awarded the Silver Star for his action, on the night of 21-22 Jan 1952, in an enemy mine field near OP Kelly. I was most honored to be one of 10 men who carried him and his KIA point man back to our lines in 2 ft of snow while 150 Chinese observed the action just at dawn. As Maj Pearson said, "they for some reason did not fire at us and we sure as hell did not fire at them."
He was a Msgt by the time he was decorated, 31 May 1952, and was awarded a Battlefield Commission. For inclusion in my memoir book, he has sent me photos, maps, letters he received, and a copy of his Silver Star citation. I will forward them to Merv for inclusion in the IBB Album.
I know he would be pleased to communicate with anyone from Able or Baker or anyone else who knew him. Welcome to IBB Oscar! J. C. Poe.
MK note: The photos furnished by Sgt Jones (through Poe) begin on the page named The Silver Star.
Entry #23 - 3 Feb 2001
Deroy F. Kammerer
Served in Korea: KIA 31 Jul 1952 while in the 2nd Plt, Co B, 15th Inf Rgt.
The Story: Richard J. Lawrence has posted a fond remembrance of him on Doc's Page.
IBB Page
3rd Division Page Bridge Page