The "Treasures" of Yoda's Son
MK note (08 Dec 2002): Here are the five photos which were emailed to me by Hidetaka Hatanaka who is the son of Henry H. Yoda (#19). The email had the subject line "they are my treasures" and read (unedited):
"If my father still alived, he would be glade so much.
When you have any information, please give me e-mail.
Take care of your health.
Sincerely yours
Hidetaka Hatanaka"
I assume that the first photo is of Henry Yoda while he was still in Korea and that the next is of Henry and HIS father after Henry returned to Hawaii. The others speak for themselves.
is a flame, lit in memory of Henry H. Yoda, for you to warm your hands by.
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