© Copyright 2004, 2005 by David Mervin Key

1 Open       1 Open       1 Open       1 Open        1N Open

2 Open       2 Open       2 Open       2 Open        2N Open
3 Open       3 Open       3
Open       3 Open        3N Open
4 Open       4 Open       4 Open       4
Open        4N Open

Defense to:

1N Open   2 Multi   1 Overcall   1 Overcall   1N Overcall

Opening bids by unpassed hand:

Opening bid of 1=

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+major: 12+ to 15- HCP;

443{jx/better}, 4423, 4333, 4324, 4315, 34{xx}4, 3325, 3{xx}44,

3{xx}35, 3154, or 3145 OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major: 15+ to 17-  HCP;

44{xx}3, 4414, 43{xx}4, 4315, 34{xx}4, 3415, 33{xx}5,

3{xx}44, 3145, {xx}443, {xx}434, {xx}353, {xx}344, 1453,

1345, or {xx}335; OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major: 17+ to 19- HCP;

no 4-5 diamonds unless Jx/better in clubs OR
11+ to ? HCP; 4+ clubs;
no 5+ spades unless

clubs are longer or of equal length and stronger; no 5+ hearts

and no 5+ diamonds unless clubs are longer and stronger

and unless, also, the hand is just short of a 2 or a 2 open.

                     Go to the sequences after a 1 open.


Opening bid of 1=

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major:

12+ to 15- HCP; 4441, 443{xx}, 4351, 4342, 3451, 3442, 3433,

34{Jx/better}4, 3352, 3343, 3334, 3253, 3{Jx/better}44,

3{Jx/better}35, 2443, 2434, 2353, 2344, or 2335 OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major:

15+ TO 17- HCP; 443{xx}, 434{xx}, 344{xx}, 335{xx} OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major:

17+ to 19- HCP; 4-5 diamonds; xx or singleton club OR
11+ HCP to just short of a
2 or a 2 open;

4+ diamonds; no 5+ major unless diamonds are longer and

stronger and unless, also, the hand is just short of a 2 open;

no 5+ clubs if the clubs are longer and stronger and if, also,

the hand is just short of a 2 open.
                    Go to the sequences after a 1 open.

Opening bid of 1=  10+ HCP to values not quite enough for
a 2 open, 5+ hearts, no 5+ spades unless hearts are the longer
and stronger suit and unless, also, the hand has values not quite
good enough for a 2 open, no 5+ minor if  that minor is the longer
stronger suit and if, also, the hand has values not quite enough
for a 2 or a 2 open.
                    Go to the sequences after a 1 open.

Opening bid of 1=  10+ HCP to values not quite enough for a
2 open, 5+ spades, no 5+ hearts or 5+ diamonds if that suit is the
longer and stronger suit and if, also, the hand has values not quite
enough for a 2 or a 2 opening bid, no 5+ clubs unless the clubs
are longer or stronger than spades.
Go to the sequences after a 1 open.


Opening bid of 1N= balanced: 15+ to 17- HCP;

no 5 card major; no xx any suit; no singleton or void.

                     Go to the sequences after a 1N open.


Opening bid of 2N=  balanced: 19+ to 21- HCP;
all suits stopped or semi-stopped (maybe 5 of any suit).
                    Go to the sequences after a 2N open.


Opening bid of 2=

balanced or semi-balanced: 21+ to 23- HCP;



25+ to ? HCP; no 5+ cards in any suit OR

one-suited major hand:  21+ to ? HCP; a 5 card major;
no 4+ side suit
OR 8+ to ? tricks; a 6+ card major OR

one-suited minor hand:  21+ to ? HCP; a 5+ minor;
no 4+ side suit; no 3N opening bid OR

one-suited minor hand:  8+ to 10- tricks; 6+ solid or semi-solid

minor; some suit not stopped and not semi-stopped OR
one-suited minor hand: 10+ to ? tricks; a 6+ solid or semi-solid
all other suits stopped or semi-stopped OR
two-suited game force:
5+ major and 4+ side suit OR 5+ clubs
and a 4+ card major.

2§ Opening





0 or 1 Control



2 Controls



3 Controls, specifically an Ace and King in DIFFERENT suits



3 Kings or AK in the same suit



4 or more Controls FORCING TO AT LEAST 4NT



6+ © headed by AQ or KQ (less than 3 Controls)



6+ ª headed by AQ or KQ (less than 3 Controls)




6+ § headed by AQ OR KQ (less than 3 controls)

6+ ¨ headed by AQ or KQ (less than 3 controls

2. 3 Level bids after 2§




0 or 1 control








Natural ; 3¨=double negative, (STAYMANISH)




To play, No Slam possible facing 0 or 1 Control






0 or 1 control




STRONG 2 bid in © or Balanced hand 2ª FORCED




25+ HCP, balanced and FORCING




Natural, Forcing, § + © ( 5©+-4§+ )




Natural, Forcing, ¨ + © ( 5©+-4¨+ )








5+© -4+ª


    5© and 24-26 HCP; Non-forcing






  0 or 1 control

2 Controls



Natural ; 3§= Double Negative (NOTE: Even if you have responded 2© to 2§, if opener now bids 2ª and you have ª support but all you have is the Controls you have shown (particularly if it is an A as opposed to 2 Ks) you can bid 3§ double negative. ** Remember we grade our hand after having made the appropriate control response; example: 2§ P 2¨ P

2ª P 3§ is

worst 2NT is better, 3ª constructive and 4ª no shortness, could also splinter here with 4§,4¨, or 4©

I. Offensive Bidding

C. 2§ Opening



If opponents bid over 2§, X by responder shows WEAKNESS (less than 2 Qs); if they X 2§, XX shows WEAKNESS. WE WILL SHOW CONTROLS OVER A DOUBLE WITH 2¨ SHOWING 1 CONTROL AND PASS SHOWING NO CONTROLS BUT 2 OR MORE QUEENS


        Go to responses to a 2 open.


Opening bid of 3N=

a one-suited minor hand: 8+ to 10- tricks; a 6+ solid or

semi-solid minor; all other suits stopped or semi-stopped.

                    Go to the sequences after a  3N open.


Opening bid of 2=

weak 2 equivalent: 5+ to 10- HCP (varying with vulnerability);

good 6 or very good 5 card suit OR
balanced or semi-balanced:
21+ to 23- HCP;

4441, 443{xx}, 44{xx}3, 4414, 43{xx}4, 4{xx}43, 4144,

344{xx}, {xx}443, or 1444 OR

balanced: 23+ to 25- HCP; 4432, 4423, 4342, 4333, 4324, 3442,

3433, 3424, 3343, 3334, or 3244; no xx suit OR
game force:
5+ diamonds; 4 card major; no xx in another suit.

                     Go to the sequences after a 2 open.


Opening bid of 2 mini-Flannery: 4+ to 9- HCP (varies with
vulnerability), 4 spades and 5 hearts or 5 weak spades and 5 hearts.

                    Go to the sequences after a 2 open.


Opening bid of 2= 5+ to 10- HCP (varying with vulnerability);

good 6 or very good 5 card suit.
                    Go to the sequences after a 2 open.


Opening bid of 3=  preempt; one-suited in diamonds with
2 or 3 of the top 3 honors; no 3 card major with A, K, Q, or J.

                    Go to the sequences after a 3 open.


Opening bid of 3=  preempt; one-suited in diamonds without
2 or 3 of the top 3 honors; no 3 card major with an A, K, Q, or J.

                    Go to the sequences after a 3 open.


Opening bid of 3=  preempt;


Opening bid of 3=  preempt;


Opening bid of 4=  1


Opening bid of 4=  1


Opening bid of 4=  1

Opening bid of 4=  1

Opening bid of 4N=  1


back to top


Opening bid of 1= balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+major:

12+ to 15- HCP; 443{jx/better}, 4423, 4333, 4324, 4315,

34{xx}4, 3325, 3{xx}44, 3{xx}35, 3154, or 3145 OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major: 15+ to 17-  HCP;

44{xx}3, 4414, 43{xx}4, 4315, 34{xx}4, 3415, 33{xx}5,

3{xx}44, 3145, {xx}443, {xx}434, {xx}353, {xx}344, 1453,

1345, or {xx}335; OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major: 17+ to 19- HCP;

no 4-5 diamonds OR
11+ to ? HCP; 4+ clubs;
no 5+ spades unless

clubs are longer or of equal length and stronger, no 5+ hearts and

no 5+ diamonds unless clubs are longer and stronger and unless,

also, the hand is just short of a 2 or a 2 open.

Responses to 1 open if no intervening double or overcall:

P  =  0 to 4- HCP, no preempt or other bid available.

2=  10+ to 19- HCP, forcing to 3C or higher, 5+ clubs,
        no 4+ major; all suits other than clubs stopped or
Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.

3=  4+ to 6- HCP, 6+ clubs, no 4+ major.
        Go to 3 response and rebids
after 1 open.

3=  4+ to 6- HCP, 6+ diamonds, no 4+ major.
         Go to 3 response and rebids
after 1 open.

1N=  10+ to 12- HCP balanced, all suits Jxx, Qx, or better,
         no  4+ major unless 4333 or 3433, forcing to 2N.
         Go to 1N response and rebids
after 1 open.

2N=  12+ to 16- HCP, balanced game force, no 4+ major unless
         unless  4432,  4423, 4333, or  3433; 
Jxx, Qx, or better in all suits

         Go to 2N response and rebids after 1 open.


2=  Keyway jump shift:

        {1}  4+ to 7- HCP or 10+ to 13- HCP, 5 spades, 5+ hearts OR

        {2}  16+ to ?- HCP, balanced, 5 diamonds, no 4+ major, both
               majors Jxx, Qx, or better OR

        {3}  17+ to ? HCP, unbalanced, solid or semi-solid 5= diamonds;

               no 4+ in any other suit.

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.


2=  Soloway game force: 17+ to ? HCP with either

         {1}  solid or semi-solid 5+ hearts, no 4+ side suit OR
         {2}  3 card
fragment in hearts, balanced: 17+ to 19- HCP;

                no 4+ spades, no 5+ diamonds; Jxx, Qx, or better in all suits.

         Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.

2=  Soloway game force: 17+ to ? HCP with either

         {1}  solid or semi-solid 5+ spades, no 4+ side suit OR
         {2}  3 card
fragment in spades, balanced: 17+ to 19- HCP;
                no 3+ hearts, no 5+ diamonds; Jxx, Qx, or better in all suits.
         Go to 2 response and rebids
after 1 open.

1=  balanced: 4+ to ? HCP, 4+ diamonds, no 4+ side suit;

        if 10+ to ? HCP, will have a suit not semi-stopped+  OR
        4+ to 10- HCP, 2+ diamonds, 4+ clubs, no 4+ major OR
11+ to ? HCP,  4+ diamonds, 4 hearts and/or 4 spades.

        Go to 1 response and rebids after 1 open.

1=  4+ to 11- HCP: 4 hearts, 4+ diamonds and/or 4+ clubs, or
        3433, 4432, or 4423) OR 11+ to ? HCP, 4 hearts,
        maybe 4 spades and/or 4+ clubs, no 4+ diamonds OR

        4+ to ? HCP, 5+ hearts, no preempt or other better bid.
        Go to
1 response and rebids after 1 open.

1=  4+ to 7- HCP, 4 spades, 4+ diamonds and/or 4+ clubs
        (or 4333), no 4+ hearts,
OR 7+ to ? HCP, 4 spades, 3+ clubs,
        no 4+ hearts, no 4+ diamonds, OR
 4+ to 7- HCP, 6+ spades
        or 5 spades without 4 hearts (maybe 5+ hearts) OR

        7+ to ? HCP, 5+ spades, maybe 4+ hearts, no 2 or other
        better bid available.

        Go to 1 response and rebids after 1 open.


          Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.



          Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.




          Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.



          Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.



          Go to 3N response and rebids after 1 open.



          Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.



          Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.



          Go to 4N response and rebids after 1 open.


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Opening bid of 1=  12+ to 15- HCP; balanced, 2 to 5 clubs OR
17+ to 19- HCP balanced, 2 to 5 clubs, some suit that is neither
stopped nor semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better) OR
11+ HCP to values short of enough for a 2 open, unbalanced,
4+ clubs, no 5+ spades unless clubs are longer or of equal length
and stronger, no 5+ diamonds or 5+ hearts unless clubs are longer
and stronger and unless, also, the hand has values nearly but not
quite good enough for a 2 or a 2 open.

1 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

14+ to 17- HCP, 4+ diamonds, no 4+ side suit, no preempt or
        other better bid
4+ to 11- HCP, 2+ diamonds, 4+ clubs, no 4+ major,
        no preempt or other better bid OR
11+ to 14- HCP balanced, with all suits stopped
        or  semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better), no  4+ major unless
        4333 or 3433 OR
11+ to ? HCP,  4+ diamonds, 4 hearts and/or 4 spades.

1   1=  balanced:  12+ to 15- HCP; , 4 hearts, 2 to 4 clubs OR

                unbalanced:  11+ to 17- HCP, , 4 hearts 4+ clubs,

                no 5+ spades unless clubs are longer or of equal length
                and stronger, no 5+ diamonds or 5+ hearts unless clubs
                are longer and stronger and unless, also, the hand has

                values nearly but not quite good enough for a 2 or a 2 open OR


1   1  
7+ to 11- HCP, balanced, 4+ clubs, 2-3 spades
                        not stopped or semi-stopped, 2- 4 diamonds,
                        no 4 hearts, no 4+ clubs OR 7+ to ? HCP, 4 spades,
                        4+ diamonds, no 4+ hearts.

                        1N=  12+ to 15- HCP, balanced (3442, 2434 or
                                2425), spades stopped or semi-stopped
                                (with singleton or void in spades, will bid
                                P  =  7+ to 9- HCP, balanced, 4+ clubs,
                                        2-3 spades not stopped/semi-stopped,
                                        2-4 diamonds, no 4 hearts, no 4+ clubs.





                                        2N=  9+ to 11- HCP, balanced, 4+ clubs,
                                                2-3 spades not stopped/semi-stopped,
                                                2-4 diamonds, no 4 hearts, no 4+ clubs



1   1   1=  7

                      1N=  7

                      2 10+ to 13- HCP. 44





1   1   1N=  1

                      2 10+ to 13- HCP. 44





1   1   2=  7







1   1   2=  7 





1   1   2=  7





1   1   2=  7

                      2N=  7


1   1   2N=  7



1   1=  7





1  1N=  12+ to 15- HCP; 443{jx/better}, 4423, 4333, 4324, 4315,

34{xx}4, 3325, 3{xx}44, 3{xx}35, 3154, or 3145




1    2N=  17+ to 19- HCP, balanced, 4+ clubs but no 4+ major
                   and no 4+ diamonds, (but with stops or semi-stops in
                   both majors) or 4432 or 4423.



1¨    2N     3§= 17+ to ? HCP Game Force.

1¨    2N     3§    3¨= 10+ to ? HCP, 4+ diamonds, 4 spades and/or 4 hearts


1    3=


1    3

1    3

1    3

1    3

1    3     4=  2 suit Minorwood, clubs (agreed) and diamonds. 



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Opening bid of 1= balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+major:

12+ to 15- HCP; 443{jx/better}, 4423, 4333, 4324, 4315,

34{xx}4, 3325, 3{xx}44, 3{xx}35, 3154, or 3145 OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major: 15+ to 17-  HCP;

44{xx}3, 4414, 43{xx}4, 4315, 34{xx}4, 3415, 33{xx}5,

3{xx}44, 3145, {xx}443, {xx}434, {xx}353, {xx}344, 1453,

1345, or {xx}335; OR

balanced or semi-balanced, no 5+ major: 17+ to 19- HCP;

no 4-5 diamonds OR
11+ to ? HCP; 4+ clubs;
no 5+ spades unless

clubs are longer or of equal length and stronger, no 5+ hearts and

no 5+ diamonds unless clubs are longer and stronger and unless,

also, the hand is just short of a 2 or a 2 open.

1 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

1=  4+ to 11- HCP: 4 hearts, 4+ diamonds and/or 4+ clubs, or
        3433, 4432, or 4423) OR 11+ to ? HCP, 4 hearts,
        maybe 4 spades and/or 4+ clubs, no 4+ diamonds OR

        4+ to ? HCP, 5+ hearts, no preempt or other better bid.

1=  4+ to 10- HCP: 4 hearts, 4+ diamonds and/or 4+ clubs
        (or 4432, 4423, or 3433) OR

        10+ to ? HCP, 4 hearts, maybe 4 spades and/or 4+ clubs, no
        no 4+ diamonds
or 4+ to ? HCP, 5+ hearts, no
better bid.
1   1=  15+ to 17- HCP, balanced, 4 spades, xx in hearts OR
11+ to 17- HCP, unbalanced, 5+ clubs, no 5+ spades
               unless clubs are longer or stronger, no 5+ diamonds.

               2 1               





1  1N=  15- to 17+ HCP;


 3{xx}53, 3{xx}44, 3{xx}35, or 3145

               distribution, jxx or better in the 3 card OR


                2 1               





1   2 1

1   2

relay: 15+ to ? HCP; if 15+ to 17- balanced, will
               have an xx suit other than diamonds OR

12+ to 19- HCP; balanced,  4+ clubs unless 4432,
               4423, 4333, 3433, or 3343





1   2 12+ to 15- HCP; balanced,  4+ clubs unless 4432,
               4423, 3433, or ()maybe) 3343 OR

1   2=


1   2N=


1   3 10+ to 13- HCP. 44

1   3


1   3=


1   3=


1   3N=


1   2









1   3= 4+ hearts limit raise (only) OR slam try  



1=  4

        1N=  12+ to 15- HCP,

                2 10+ to 13- HCP. 44





1   2=  relay: 15+ to ? HCP; if 15+ to 17- balanced,
               will have xx suit other than diamonds OR


1©    1ª=  




1©    1N=   11+ to 14- HCP, balanced, no 4 other available bid


1©    1N     P   = sign-off


1©    1N     2§= good


1©    1N     2¨= 5



1©    2§= 1


1©    2¨= 14+ ? HCP,


1©    2©= 11+ to 14- HCP: 4 hearts, 4+ clubs unless 3433, 4432, or 4433,

                   no 4+ diamonds or

                   11+ to 14- HCP, 3 hearts,  4+ clubs, xx in spades or xx in diamonds, no 4 diamonds.


1©    2©    2ª=  


1©    2©    2N=   10+ to 12- HCP, stopper or semi-stopper in

1©    2©    3ª

1©    2©    3¨

1©    2©    3©=           


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Opening bid of 1=  12+ to 15- HCP; balanced, 2 to 5 clubs OR
17+ to 19- HCP balanced, 2 to 5 clubs, some suit that is neither
stopped nor semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better) OR
11+ HCP to values short of enough for a 2 open, unbalanced,
4+ clubs, no 5+ spades unless clubs are longer or of equal length
and stronger, no 5+ diamonds or 5+ hearts unless clubs are longer
and stronger and unless, also, the hand has values nearly but not
quite good enough for a 2 or a 2 open.

1 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

1=  4+ to 7- HCP, 4 spades, 4+ diamonds and/or 4+ clubs
        (or 4333), no 4+ hearts, OR 7+ to ? HCP, 4 spades, 3+ clubs,
        no 4+ hearts, no 4+ diamonds, OR  4+ to 7- HCP, 6+ spades
        or 5 spades without 4 hearts (maybe 5+ hearts) OR

        7+ to ? HCP, 5+ spades, maybe 4+ hearts, no 2 or other
        better bid available.

       1N=  15- to 17+ HCP; {xx}434, {xx}353, {xx}344, {xx}335,

                1435 or 1345 distribution, jxx or better in the 3 card suit OR 

        2=  4

       2=  1


       2=  4


       2=  4


       2N=  17+ to 19- HCP, balanced, no 4 spades,
                 hearts and diamonds stopped.


       3=  13+ to 15- HCP, 3 spades, 6+ good clubs

1  1N  2=   4+

1     1N  2=   4

1     1N  2=   4+

1     1N  2=   4


1ª    2§    2©= 1


1ª    2¨= 15+ to


1ª     2¨    2©= i


1ª     2¨    2ª= 1


1ª     2¨    2N=   1


1ª    2¨    3§=  1



1ª     2©=  14+



1ª    2ª=   11+ to 14- HCP; 4 spades, 4+ clubs or 4333, no 4+ hearts or diamonds or

                   3 hearts, 4+ clubs, xx in hearts or diamonds, no 4+ hearts or diamonds.


1ª     2ª     3§=  4+ to 7- HCP, to sign off, 3 spades, 4+ clubs

1ª    2ª     3§    P   = automatic



1ª     2N=   1


1ª     3§=  17+ to 20- HCP Game Force, exactly 3 spades, 6+ good club suit.


1ª     3¨=  17+ to 20- HCP Game Force, 4 spades, 4+ clubs, diamond singleton.


1ª     3©=  17+ to 20- HCP Game Force, 4 spades, 4+ clubs, heart singleton.


1ª     3ª=   17+ to 20- HCP Game Force, 4 spades, 4-5 clubs, no singleton or void.


1ª     3N=   17+ to 20- HCP Game Force, 4 spades, 4+ clubs, heart or spade void.

ª    3N     4§= asking which void

                  3N     4§    4¨= diamond void.

3N     4§    4©= heart void.

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Opening bid of 1=  12+ to 15- HCP; balanced, 2 to 5 clubs OR
17+ to 19- HCP balanced, 2 to 5 clubs, some suit that is neither
stopped nor semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better) OR
11+ HCP to values short of enough for a 2 open, unbalanced,
4+ clubs, no 5+ spades unless clubs are longer or of equal length
and stronger, no 5+ diamonds or 5+ hearts unless clubs are longer
and stronger and unless, also, the hand has values nearly but not
quite good enough for a 2 or a 2 open.

1N response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):
  10+ to 13- HCP balanced, with all suits stopped
          or  semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better), no  4+ major
          unless 4333 or 3433, forcing to 2N,

1N     2
= 11+ to 17- HCP, 5+ clubs, 4+ side suit or 14+ to 19-HCP,  any distribution.


1N     2¨= 1


1N     2©= 1


1N     2ª= 1


1N     2N=  11+ to 12 HCP, balanced, no 5+ suit

1N     2N     P  =   11+ to 12 HCP

1N     2N     2N=   13 to 14- HCP


1N     3§=  11+ to 15- HCP, 6+ clubs, no 4+ side suit.

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2 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

2=  10+ to 19- HCP, forcing to 2N or higher, but neither partner
          may jump past 2N to directly bid
          4+ clubs, no 4+ major; a suit other than clubs not stopped and

          not semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better).
          2= 11+ to 14- HCP,  balanced, 4 or 5 clubs and
no 4+ major unless 4432, 4423,  4333, or 3433,
                   no 5+ in any suit other than clubs OR
10+ to 19+ HCP, unbalanced, 5+ clubs, no 5+ spades
                   unless clubs are the longer or stronger suit,
                   no 5+ diamonds or 5+ hearts unless clubs are the
                   longer and stronger suit and unless, also, the hand has
                   values not quite good enough for a 2 or a 2 open.,



        2N=  15+ to 19- HCP; 4432, 4423, 4333, or 3433 with


        310+ to 12- HCP, unbalanced, one suited in clubs.


        3=   game force, 5 diamonds 6+ clubs, singleton heart.

        3=   game force, 5 diamonds, 6+ clubs, singleton spade..


2§    2¨    2©= heart stop

2§    2¨    2ª= spade stop, no spade stop


2§    2¨    2N=   10+ to 13- HCP, balanced, majors stopped or semi-stopped


2§    2¨    3§=  10+ to 13- HCP, an unstopped major, no 4+ diamonds.

2§    2©= 10+ to 13- HCP; 4 hearts, 4+ clubs or 2-3 clubs if 4-4 in majors), no 4+


         2§    2ª=  10+ to 13- HCP; 4 spades, 4+ clubs, no 4+ hearts.

2§    2N=   10+ to 13- HCP, balanced, 4-5 clubs, stop/semi-stop in other 3 suits (no 4+).

2§    3§=  10+ to 13- HCP, 6+ clubs, no 4+ major, no 4+ in other 3 suits


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2 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

2=  Keyway jump shift:

         {1}  4+ to 7- HCP or 10+ to 13- HCP, 5 spades, 5+ hearts OR

         {2} 17+ to 19- HCP, 5+ diamonds, no 4+ in any other suit.

         2=  1


         2 1


         2N=  game invitation+:  1


                  3=  minimum hand


                  3=  1


                  3=  1


                  3 maximum hand, 5-5 in majors


                  3N=  t.


        3=  1


        3=  1


        3=  1


        3 1


        3N=  1


        4=  1


        4=  1


        4=  1


        4 1


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2 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

2=  Soloway game force: 17+ to ? HCP with either:

         {1}  5 hearts, 2-3 of the top 3 heart  honors or 6+ good hearts,
                no 4+ in any other suit OR
         {2}  3 card
fragment in hearts, balanced, all suits stopped
                or semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better),
                no 4+ spades, no 5+ diamonds.

         2 m


         2N=  1


         3=  1


         3=  1


         3=  1


         3 1


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2 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

2=  Soloway game force: 17+ to ? HCP with either:

         {1}  5 spades, 2-3 of the top 3 spade honors,
                or 6+ good spades, no 4+ in any other suit OR
         {2}  3 card
fragment in spades, balanced,
                all suits stopped or semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better),
                no 3+ hearts, no 5+ diamonds..

          2N=  1


         3=  1


         3=  1


         3=  1


         3 1


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2N response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):
2N=  13+ to 15- HCP, balanced game force, with all suits
          stopped or  semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better),
          no 4+ major unless 4432,  4423, 4333, or  3433.

2N     3=  1


2N      3¨= 1


2N      3©= 1


2N      3ª=   1


2N      3N= 1


2N      4§= 1


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3 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

3=  4+ to 6- HCP, 6+ clubs, no 4+ side suit.


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response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

3=  4+ to 6- HCP, 6+ diamonds, no 4+ side suit.

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3 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):


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3 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):
3=   4


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3N response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

3N=   Four Ace Gerber (Responder has his own one-suited hand)



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4 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

4 Minorwood in clubs.


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4 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

4 Minorwood in.


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4 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

4 M in.


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4 response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

4=  M in


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4N response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

4N=  M in


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         After opener’s reverse (at two level) over the 1© or 1ª response,  Responder’s rebid of same suit at two level= undefined values with 5+ cards in bid suit; a new suit at two level=   9+ HCP and no 3+ clubs; 2N= a “transfer” to 3§, followed by a pass is a weak hand;   3§= good 9+ HCP with 3+ clubs; and, all other two or three level suit rebids by responder over opener’s rebid= good 9+ HCP Game Force without 3+ clubs or 5+ of his first bid suit. Opener’s jump rebid of  3§=  7½ to 9½ trick hand with solid or semi-solid 6+ card club suit and exactly 3 card support for responder’s bid major *********
and has no 4 card major that he can show at the two level, but has a stopper or semi-stopper in all suits or in all suits except responder's jump shift suit,  opener rebids 2N (without regard to HCP) and, then, responder rebids
3§ with 16+ to 18- balanced HCP and 4 clubs; 3N with 16+ to 18- balanced HCP but not 4 clubs; 4§ with 18+ to 20- balanced HCP and 4 clubs; 4N with 19+ to 21- balanced HCP but not 4 clubs. If responder's rebid is at the three level and is in any suit other than clubs, he has the strong one suit hand. If responder's rebid is the most convenient suit above 4§ and is other than in his jump shift suit, his rebid is two suit (clubs and the jump shift suit) RKC (responder has a good 21+ balanced HCP). If responder's suit rebid above 4§ is in the same suit as his jump shift suit or is the second most convenient suit above 4§, his rebid is RKC in responder's jump shift suit (responder has the strong one suited hand). If opener can not bid 2N and does not have 4 cards in responder's jump shift suit, but has a stopper or a 4 card second suit he can show at the two level, he rebids in that suit. Responder will always rebid 2NT (never higher in NT) with the strong balanced hand; and any other rebid by responder shows the strong one suit hand. All jumps to the four level by responder are the same as to opener's 2NT rebid If opener does not have a bid he can make at the two level, he makes his most natural suit bid at the 3 level but without reversing above the jump shift suit (may bid 3 of responder's jump shift suit with a 4 card holding in the suit). Responder rebids will ALL be the same as to a 2NT rebid by opener (except, of course, the 3§ bid will not be available). Any jump shift by opener= Game Force, may be made in a 3 card minor.

Substitute responses to 1 open if an intervening double:

X      XX=  9+ HCP, 4+ clubs, no 5+ major (may have 4 card major)

2=  5+ to 9- HCP, 4+ clubs; if only 4 clubs, then will have 5+ diamonds.



          Jump in new suit at any level= preempt


Substitute responses to 1§ if an intervening overcall:

         If overcall is 1¨, then X=  9+ HCP, no 4+ clubs; no 4 card major or both 4 card   majors; 1©=  5+ HCP, 4+. Hearts, no 4 spades (the bid that would have been made without the intervening double); 1ª= 5+ HCP, 4+.spades, no 4+ hearts (the bid that would have been made without the intervening double).


       If overcall is 1©, then:  


If overcall is 1ª, then:


       If overcall is 1N then



          If the overcall is at the two level and is a true suit, then X




3N=   Four Ace Gerber (Responder has his own one-suited major hand)

4§= Minorwood in clubs

4¨= Minorwood in diamonds 


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Opening bid of 1= balanced: 12+ to 15- HCP; 4432, 4423, 4342,
4333, 4324, 3442, 3433, 3424, 3352, 3343, 3334, 3325, 3253, 2443,
3235, 2443, 2434, 2353, 2343, or 2334;

or balanced: 17+ to 19- HCP; 4-5 diamonds, no 5 card major OR
, 4+ diamonds, no 5+ major unless diamonds are longer
and stronger and unless, also, the hand has values nearly
(but not quite) good enough for a 2 open, no 5+ clubs if the clubs

are longer and stronger and if, also, the hand has values nearly

but not quite) good enough for a 2 open.

Responses to 1 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:

2=  11+ to ? HCP, 5+ diamonds, no 4+ major

        2N= 33{xx}5



3preemptive: ? HCP; 5+ diamonds, no 4+ major

3=  6+ to 8- HCP, unbalanced, 4-5 diamonds, no 4+ major




        1N=  12+ to 15- HCP balanced OR


1=  6


        1N=  12+ to 15- HCP balanced OR        


        2=  6





2=  6










1N rebid over + to 14- HCP, balanced, and (if 1N over 1©) no 4+ spades and no 3 good spades with a short side suit. After opener’s 1N rebid over the 1© or 1ª response, responder’s 2§= a one round force and a jump to 3§= a sign-off forcing a pass by opener. After opener’s reverse (1¨/1ª/2©), responder’s 2ª= 5+ spades and undefined values; 2N= a “transfer” to 3§, followed by a Pass= a weak hand with only 4 spades, 3§= good 9+ HCP Game Force with 3+ clubs; and, all of his other three level suit rebids= good 9+ HCP Game Force without 3+ clubs or 5+ spades. Any jump shift by opener= Game Force, may be made in a 3 card suit. Opener’s jump rebid of 3¨= 7½ to 9½ trick hand with solid or semi-solid 6+ card diamond suit and exactly 3 card support for responder’s bid major. *!!!!!!!!!!!*


1N=  5+ to 8- HCP, balanced, 4-5 clubs, no 4+ in any other suit

2N=   8+ to 11- HCP, 4-5 clubs; balanced; no 4+ any other suit


         9+ HCP with 5+ clubs, unbalanced, no 4+ in any other suit or a good 11+ HCP Game Force, 4+ clubs, no 4+ diamonds, maybe a 4 card major if 11+ HCP. Opener rebids:  2¨= 5+ diamonds, no 4+ side suit  2©= 4 hearts and 4+ diamonds (maybe 4441); = 4 spades and 4+ diamonds;  2N= 4432; Responder’s rebid of 3§= 9+ to 11- HCP, unbalanced with 5+ clubs and no 4+ cards in any other suit (non-forcing); any other first rebid= good 11+ HCP Game Force. 3§=  11+ to 13- HCP, 4+ diamonds, 4 clubs, no singletons; 3¨= good 13+ HCP, 4+ diamonds, 4+ clubs (Game Force);  3© or 3ª= 11+ to 13- HCP, 5+ diamonds and 4 clubs, singleton in bid major; 3N= two suit RKC in the minors (opener is 5+- 5+ in the minors); 4§= Minorwood in clubs; and, 4¨Minorwood in diamonds.


2©=  16+ to 19- HCP, balanced, no 4+ major OR

          one-suited Game Force, solid or semi-solid heart suit.


2ª=  16+ to 19- HCP, balanced, no 4+ major OR

          one-suited Game Force, solid or semi-solid spade suit.


          If opener has no 4 card spade suit that he can show at the two level or if responders first bid was 2ª, and if, also, opener is balanced or semi-balanced and has a stopper or semi-stopper in all suits except responder's jump shift suit, opener rebids 2N (without regard to HCP). If opener is not able to rebid 2N, he rebids 3§ with 4+ clubs and 3¨ without 4+ clubs (without regard to HCP). Responder’s rebids are: 3¨= 16+ to 18- balanced HCP and 4 diamonds; 3N= 16+ to 18- balanced HCP but not 4 diamonds; 4¨= 18+ to 20- balanced HCP and 4 diamonds; or, 4N= 18+ to 20- balanced HCP but not 4 diamonds. If responder's rebid is at the three level and is in any suit other than clubs, he has the strong one suit hand. If responder's rebid is the most convenient suit above 4§ and is other than in his jump shift suit, his rebid =   two suit RKC (clubs and the jump shift suit - responder has a good 21+ balanced HCP). If responder's suit rebid above 4§ is in the same suit as his jump shift suit or is the second most convenient suit above 4§, his rebid is RKC in responder's jump shift suit (responder has the strong one suited hand). If        opener can not bid 2NT and does not have 4 cards in responder jump shift suit, but has a stopper or a 4 card 4 card second suit he can show at the two level, he rebids in that suit. Responder will always rebid 2NT (never higher in NT) with the strong balanced hand; and any other rebid by responder shows the strong one suit hand. All jumps to the four         level by responder are the same as to opener's 2NT rebid. If opener does not have a bid he can make at the two level, he makes his most natural suit bid at the 3 level, but without reversing above the jump shift suit (may bid 3 of responder's jump shift suit; and, with a 4 card holding in the suit). Responder rebids will ALL be the same as to a 2NT rebid by opener (except, of course, the 3§ bid will not be available)

Substitute responses to 1¨ if an intervening double:                                     

          Redouble= 9+ HCP;     2NT= preemptive raise;      3¨= limit raise


Responses to 1¨ if an intervening overcall:


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Opening bid of 1=  10+ HCP to values not quite enough for
a 2 open, 5+ hearts, no 5+ spades unless hearts are the longer and stronger suit and unless, also, the hand has values not quite good enough for a 2 open, no 5+ minor if  that minor is the longer and stronger suit and if, also, the hand has values not quite enough for a 2 or a 2 open.

Responses to 1 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:

P   =  0 to 4- HCP with 3 or fewer heart, 0 to 3- HCP with 4 hearts.
1=  ?

        Go to 1 response and rebids after 1 open.

1N=  m
 Go to 1N
response and rebids after 1 open.
2 o
Go to 2
response and rebids after 1 open.
=  y.
Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open. 

2 a

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.


2=  ?

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.


2N p.

        Go to 2N response and rebids after 1 open.


3 p.

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.



        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.



        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.


3=  m

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.


3N=  m

        Go to 3N response and rebids after 1 open.


        Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.



        Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.

4= 3

        Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open. 


        Go to 4N response and rebids after 1 open.

5=  m

        Go to 5 response and rebids after 1 open. 


        Go to 5 response and rebids after 1 open.



1©    2ª=  17+ to 19- HCP Game Force in spades (solid or semi-solid suit) OR

                   17+ to 19- HCP Game Force, balanced (no 5+ minor or 4+ major).


1©    2N=   17+ 19-HCP, balanced, 4-5 clubs or any 4-3-3-3.     i


1©    3§=  17+ to 19- HCP, exactly 3 hearts, 6+ good club suit.


1©    3¨= 17+ to 19 HCP Game Force, 4 hearts, 4+ clubs, diamond singleton.


1©    3©=  17+ to 10- HCP Game Force, 4 hearts, 4-5 clubs, no singleton or void.


1©    3ª=   17+ to 19- HCP Game Force, 4 hearts, 4+ clubs, spade singleton.


1©    3N=   17+ to 19- HCP Slam Try, 4 hearts, 4+ clubs, diamond or spade void.


1©    3N     4§= asking which void

1©    3N     4§    4¨= diamond void


1©    3N     4§    4©= spade void, no slam interest.

1©    3N     4§    4ª= spade void, no slam interest

        Responses without 4+ card heart support:

2©= 4+ to 8- HCP, 3 hearts.


1N=   4+ to 6- HCP, balanced, no 4+ major, no 4+ spades

                             Opener passes=        10+ to 15- HCP, 4522, 3532, 3523, or 2533.

          Opener rebids:

          2§= 11

          2¨= 6

                    2©= 11

        2§=     11+ to 15- HCP, no 5+ spades, or diamonds unless longer diamonds,  hearts, 4+ clubs, 4513 or good 15+ to 19- HCP, any    distribution without 5+ spades, 

         After opener’s 2§ rebid, responder rebids:

           2¨ 6+ HCP relay,

                              After responder’s 2¨, opener bids:

          2©= 11+ to 15- HCP, 5+ hearts, 4+ clubs or 4513

                                                 After opener’s 2© bid, responder bids:

                             P       =       6+ to 8- HCP, 2 or 3 hearts, no 2ª or higher bid available

                    2ª= 6+ to 8- HCP, 5+ diamonds, 5+ clubs

                              After responder’s 2ª, opener bids:


                                                 2N=   4


                                                 3§ 1


                                                 2¨=  6


                                                 3©= 11


                    2©=  11 to


          2ª= 1


          2N=   1


         3§ 1


                    3¨= 1


Opener rebids 2¨=      11+ to 15- HCP,  5+ hearts, 4+ diamonds or 4531


          After opener’s 2¨ rebid, responder rebids=  10


       Opener rebids 2©=      15+ to 19-, 6 hearts


          After opener’s 2© rebid, responder rebids=  10


Opener rebids 2ª=      11


Opener rebids 2N=      11+ to 15- HCP; 5 hearts, 5 card minor 1


Opener rebids 3§=      15+ to 19+ HCP; 6 hearts, 4 clubs or 5 hearts, 5 clubs


Opener rebids 3¨=      15+ to 19+ HCP; 6 hearts, 4 clubs or 5 hearts, 5 clubs


Opener rebids 3©=      1       1


Opener rebids 3ª=      1       1


Opener rebids 3N=      1       1



        1ª= good 3+ HCP F1R, 4+ spades, no 4+ hearts, no other response (no 2© bid, etc.)

        Opener rebids 1N= 11+ to 15- HCP, balanced, no 4+ spades and, if 3-5 in majors, no spade honor or no xx in either minor exactly 3 spades, no xx in either minor.

      After opener’s 1N rebid, responder’s 2§=  good 7+ HCP, artificial; 3§=  fewer  than good 7 HCP, 4 spades signoff (forces a pass by opener). After responder’s 2§ rebid, opener’s 2¨=  11+ to 13- HCP, 5 hearts, no 4 spades and no 3 spades  if 3-5 in majors if xx in either minor 



        Opener rebids 2§= 11+ to 15- HCP, 4+ clubs, unbalanced, no 4+ spades and, if exactly 3 spades, no xx in either minor or F1R, good 14+ HCP, no 4 spades.

          After opener’s 2§ rebid, responder rebids:

                    2¨=  good 6+ HCP relay,

                     2©=  4+ to 6- HCP HCP, no 4+ spades, no 3+ hearts


        Opener rebids 2¨=  11+ to 15- HCP,  5 hearts, 4+ diamonds or 4531; no 4+ spades, no 4+ hearts and, if 3 hearts; no xx in some other suit


          After opener’s 2¨ rebid, responder rebids=  10


        Opener rebids 2©=  1


          After opener’s 2© rebid, responder rebids=  10.



        Opener rebids 2ª 1


        Opener rebids 2N 1


        Opener rebids 3§ 1


        Opener rebids 3¨ 1


        Opener rebids 3© 1


        Opener rebids 3ª 1


        Opener rebids 3N


Any jump shift by opener= Game Force, may be made in a 3 card suit. Opener’s jump rebid of 3¨= 7½ to 9½ trick hand with solid or semi-solid 6+ card diamond suit and exactly 3 card support for responder’s bid major. *!!!!!!!!!!!*

        2§= 8+ to 10- HCP, artificial with exactly 3 hearts, any distribution, OR good 11+ HCP game force with 4+ clubs, no  4+ hearts, no 5+ spades, no 5+ diamonds


          Opener’s 2NT rebid or 2-level suit bid up to 14 HCP,

          Opener’s raise of responder’s suit  4 or good 3-card fit, one unstopped suit

2© over 1ª - 12+ HCP, with 5-card suit, game forcing, Fast arrival rebids

2NT - Jacoby, slam interest, 4 trumps to an honor, asks singleton

Splinter, Good 11+ HCP, 4 trumps to an honor, singleton or void in bid suit

1NT Response - Forcing, 5-15 HCP, Subsequent jump raise to 3 = limit, 3 trumps

4th suit forcing one round


2¨=  Game Force, 5+ diamonds, no 4+ hearts




2ª=   16+ to 19- HCP, balanced, no 4+ major OR

          one-suited Game Force, solid or semi-solid spade suit.




Responses to 1© with 4+ card heart support:


3§=  4+ to 7- HCP limit raise, 4+ hearts


3¨= 7+ to 9- HCP limit raise, 4+ hearts


3©= 9+ to 11- HCP limit raise, 4+ hearts, no singletons, not a doubleton Ax or xx in both minors.


        3ª= 9+ to 11- HCP limit raise 4+ hearts; a singleton (not an A, K, or Q), in one minor, no 5+ side suit or

                  a doubleton Ax or xx (not including a K or Q) in both minors.


        Opener rebids:

        3N =    asking

           After opener’s 3ª rebid, responder rebids:

                    4§=            9


3N = 9+ to 11- HCP limit raise, 4-5 H, singleton spade, no short minor, not 5+ 5+

4§=  9+ to 11- HCP limit raise, 4 hearts, 5 clubs, no singleton, K or Q in the two doubletons

4¨ 9+ to 11- HCP limit raise, 4 hearts, 5 diamonds, no singleton, no K or Q in the two doubletons

4©=  9+ to 11- HCP limit raise, 4 hearts, 5 spades, no singleton, no K or Q in the two doubletons


2N     =       9+ to 11- HCP limit raise, 4+ hearts, no singletons and not a doubleton Ax or xx (no K or Q included) in both minors

                    OR good 11+ HCP, 4+ hearts (modified Jacoby game force)

                    Opener rebids:

                  3§= 11+ to 15- HCP

                               After opener’s 3§ rebid, responder rebids:

                               3¨ 9


                               3©= 9+ to 11- HCP balanced limit raise: no singletons, no 6+ hearts, and no 5-4 or 4-5 in hearts and

                                        another suit unless with two doubletons, each of which includes a K and/or a Q but no A..



                             3¨= 15+ to 19- HCP, any distribution with 5+ hearts


                                3©= 11+15- HCP, 9



4ª=  what



Responses to 1© by unpassed hand if intervening double:       

          Redouble= 9+ HCP;      2NT= limit raise;      3©= preemptive raise

Responses to 1© by passed hand if no intervening double:

          2§ = 10-11 HCP 3 or 4-card fit, System “on” after overcall

                       After 2§ overcall, 2¨ is Drury, good 3 or 4-card support


Responses to 1© by passed hand if intervening double:

          2§ = 10-11 HCP 3 or 4-card fit, System “on” after overcall

                       After 2§ overcall, 2¨ is Drury, good 3 or 4-card support


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Opening bid of 1=  10+ HCP to values not quite enough for a
2 open, 5+ spades, no 5+ hearts or 5+ diamonds if that suit is the
longer and stronger suit and if, also, the hand has values not quite
enough for a 2 or a 2 opening bid, no 5+ clubs unless the clubs
are longer or stronger than spades.

Responses to 1 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:

P   =   0 to 4- HCP with 3 or fewer spades, 0 to 3- HCP with 4 spades.  not good 3+ HCP if 4+ spades and not good 4+ HCP if fewer than 4 spades.
1N=  forcing, no other applicable bid.
 Go to 1N
response and rebids after 1 open.
2 o
Go to 2
response and rebids after 1 open.
=  y.
Go to 2 response and rebids after 1

2 a

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.


2=  ?

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 1 open.


2N p.

        Go to 2N response and rebids after 1 open.


3 p.

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.



        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.



        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.


3=  m

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 1 open.


3N=  m

        Go to 3N response and rebids after 1 open.


        Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.



        Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open.

4= 3

        Go to 4 response and rebids after 1 open. 


        Go to 4N response and rebids after 1 open.

5=  m

        Go to 5 response and rebids after 1 open. 


        Go to 5 response and rebids after 1 open.

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Opening bid of 1=  10+ HCP to values not quite enough for a
2 open, 5+ spades, no 5+ hearts or 5+ diamonds if that suit is the
longer and stronger suit and if, also, the hand has values not quite
enough for a 2 or a 2 opening bid, no 5+ clubs unless the clubs
are longer or stronger than spades.

1N response and rebids after 1 open (no intervening bid):

3+ to 5- HCP, 3 spades.

1  1N=  forcing; 3+ to 5- HCP, 3 spades OR
               5+ to            
no other applicable response.
2= 10+ to 17- HCP; 5 spades; 3+ clubs;
                     12+ to 14- HCP, 6+ spades

                     no 4+ hearts; no 4+diamonds OR
15+ to 17- HCP; 5+ spades.

              2= 10+

              2= 10+ to 12- HCP; 6+ spades;  no 4+ s

              2= 10+ to 12- HCP; 6+ spades;  no 4+ side suit.

              2N= game invite+: 6+ solid spades, semi-solid 6+ spades,
                     or 7+ broken spades and a 3 card side suit; some suit
                     unstopped, not semi-stopped, or unsupported A high;
                     no 4+ side suit.

                     3=  no spade support; 5+ good clubs or a good club
                             stop; no 5+ hearts.
                             3= n


3= n



                     3=  no spade support;

                     3=  no spade support; 5+ hearts or heart stop;
                             any value hand.


                     3 no spade support; no 3, 3, or 3 bid.



            3game force; exactly 5 spades; 3+ clubs; no 4+ hearts;
                    no 4+ diamonds.
            3game force; exactly 5 spades; 3+ diamonds; fewer
                    clubs; no 4+ hearts.
3 game force; 5+ spades; 4+ hearts; no 4 or 4 bids.
3=  game invite; 7+ broken spade suit; no 3+ side suit.

                    P  =  values not helpful.
3N=  forcing; spade support; slammish; no side fillers. 

                    3 forcing; spade support; slammish; club fillers.

                         3forcing; spade support; slammish; diamond.

                    3 forcing; spade support; slammish; diamond

            3N=  sign-off to play.


            4game force; e


            4game force; e


            4 game force; 5


            4=  sign-off to play.


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1  2=  not forcing; n


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1  2=  n


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1  2=  n


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1  2 3+ to 5- HCP,  4 spades or 5+ to  8- HCP, 3 spades.

              2N=  game try; exactly 5 spades.

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1  2N=  Keyby he he


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1  3=  not forcing; n


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1  3=  n


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1  3=  n


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1  3 3+ to 6- HCP,  4 spades

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        2ª=  3+ to 7- HCP,  4 spades; or, 4+ to  8- HCP, 3 spades

        Responses without 4+ card spade support:

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1ª= good 3+ HCP F1R, 4+ spades, no 4+ hearts, no other response (no 2© bid, etc.)

        Opener rebids 1N= 11+ to 15- HCP, balanced, no 4+ spades and, if 3-5 in majors, no spade honor or no xx in either minor exactly 3 spades, no xx in either minor.

          After opener’s 1N rebid, responder rebids:


2§=  good 7+ HCP, artificial; 3§=  fewer  than good 7 HCP, 4 spades signoff (forces a pass by opener). After responder’s 2§ rebid, opener’s 2¨=  11+ to 13- HCP, 5 hearts, no 4 spades and no 3 spades  if 3-5 in majors if xx in either minor

1N=   11+ to 15- HCP, balanced, no 4+ spades and, if 3-5 in majors, no spade honor or no xx in either minor exactly 3 spades, no xx in either minor



        Opener rebids 2§= 11+ to 15- HCP, 4+ clubs, unbalanced, no 4+ spades and, if exactly 3 spades, no xx in either minor or F1R, good 14+ HCP, no 4 spades.


        Opener rebids 2¨ 1


        Opener rebids 2© 1


        Opener rebids 2ª 1


        Opener rebids 2N 1


        Opener rebids 3§ 1


        Opener rebids 3¨ 1


        Opener rebids 3© 1


        Opener rebids 3ª 1


        Opener rebids 3N


Any jump shift by opener= Game Force, may be made in a 3 card suit. Opener’s jump rebid of 3¨= 7½ to 9½ trick hand with solid or semi-solid 6+ card diamond suit and exactly 3 card support for responder’s bid major. *!!!!!!!!!!!*

        2§= 8+ to 11- HCP, artificial with exactly 3 hearts, any distribution, OR 11+ to 19- HCP, no 3+          spades.


          Opener’s 2NT rebid or 2-level suit bid up to 14 HCP,

          Opener’s raise of responder’s suit  4 or good 3-card fit, one unstopped suit

2© over 1ª - 12+ HCP, with 5-card suit, game forcing, Fast arrival rebids

2NT - Jacoby, slam interest, 4 trumps to an honor, asks singleton

Splinter, Good 11+ HCP, 4 trumps to an honor, singleton or void in bid suit

1NT Response - Forcing, 5-15 HCP, Subsequent jump raise to 3 = limit, 3 trumps

4th suit forcing one round

        Opener rebids 2¨ 1


        Opener rebids 2© 1


        Opener rebids 2ª 1


        Opener rebids 2N 1


        Opener rebids 3§ 1


        Opener rebids 3¨ 1


        Opener rebids 3© 1


        Opener rebids 3ª 1


          Opener rebids 3N 1

2¨=  Game Force, 5+ diamonds, no 4+ hearts




2ª=  preempt, fewer than good 5 HCP, good 6+ spade suit, singleton


2N=  what

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Responses to 1ª if intervening double:

Redouble=  9+ HCP;      2N=  limit raise;      3ª= preemptive raise


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Opening bid of
 15+ to 17- HCP, balanced, no 5 card
major, no xx in any suit, no 2 doubletons.
Responses to 1N open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:

P  =  NOTE: Any 2N bid by Responder (whether immediate
        or as a rebid) is forcing; but, Responder MAY pass
2N rebid by Opener.

2=  Keyman (modified Stayman - he he ):
be one-suited in diamonds (invite only) but not in clubs.
 Go to 2
response and rebids after 1N open.

2=  xfer: 5+ hearts, 0 to 4 spades or
        4 hearts, 0 to 3 spades, 5+ clubs or
no 4+ major, 5+ clubs, invite only.

 Go to 2 response and rebids after 1N open.

2 xfer; 5+ spades, no 4+ hearts unless no game chance OR
4 spades, 0 to 3 hearts (maybe 4144)
             Go to 2 response and rebids after 1N open.

2=  ?maybe 1444

             Go to 2 response and rebids after 1N open.


2Nxfer: one-suited clubs, to SO in 3 or
        to GF (or better) in clubs or no trump.

            Go to 2N response and rebids after 1N open.


3xfer: one-suited diamonds, to SO in 3 or
        to GF (or better) in diamonds or no trump.

            Go to 3 response and rebids after 1N open.


3=  invitational or better xfer to best major:

            Go to 3 response and rebids after 1N open.



            Go to 3 response and rebids after 1N open.


3=  m

            Go to 3 response and rebids after 1N open.


3N=  m

            Go to 3N response and rebids after 1N open.

4=  m

            Go to 4 response and rebids after 1N open.

4=  xfer to 4: one-suited hearts, to SO in 4 or
        to RKC or Exclusion RKC with hearts as trumps.

            Go to 4 response and rebids after 1N open.

4=  xfer to 4: one-suited spades, to SO in 4  or
        to RKC or Exclusion RKC with hearts as trumps.

            Go to 4 response and rebids after 1N open.

4= 3

            Go to 4 response and rebids after 1N open. 


            Go to 4N response and rebids after 1N open.

5=  m

            Go to 5 response and rebids after 1N open.


        Go to 5 response and rebids after 1N open.

2 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):
  Keyman (modified Stayman - he he ):
4-4 majors , 5 hearts balanced, or 4+ diamonds; no 4+ clubs
        unless also 4-4 majors and game hope only if major fit found.
2=  42, 34, 32, or 24 majors (no 44 majors, no 3 hearts).
2   2    2=  4-4 majors, 5-5 majors, or 4 spades and 5 hearts

                       (if spades are relatively stronger than hearts);

                       no game hope unless opener has a maxi and
a 4-4 or 4-5 major fit is found OR

                       4 hearts, 5+ diamonds; no game hope unless
                       opener has maxi and a 4-4 or 4-5 major fit found.
2   2    2   P  =  2-3 spades, 4 hearts; mini or maxi
                               2=  3-4 spades, 2 hearts, mini.
                                       P  =  3-4 spades, 4-5 hearts, no game hope.
                                       2N=  2-3 spades, 4 hearts, 5+ diamonds.
                               2N=  1.
3=  4-2-3-4, 3-2-4-4, or 3-2-3-5.

                                               P  =  automatic.
                                                 3 4-2-4-3, 3-2-5-3
P  =  automatic.

                              3=  0-3 m


                              3=  0

2   2    2   2N=  4

2   2    2   3=  xfer: 4 hearts, 5+ diamonds, invite (only).

2   2    2   3 4


2   2    2   3= 


2   2    2   3 6+ spades


2   2    2   3N= S

2   2    2=  relay: 0-3 spades, 4+ hearts, no 4+ clubs; invite+.

                       2N=  3-4 spades, 2 hearts; mini.

3=  2-3 spades, 4 hearts, no 4 diamonds;  mini.
2-3 spades, 4 hearts, no 4 diamonds;  mini.
3 2-3 spades, 4 hearts, mini.

                       3=  0-



2   2   2N=  relay: 4 spades, 4+ hearts, no 4+ clubs; invite+

                      3=  0-3 m


2   2   3=  0-3 m


2   2   3=  0-3 m


2   2   3=  0-3 m


2   2   3=  0-3 m


2   2   3N=  0-3 m


2  2=  2-3 spades, 3 hearts.
              P  =  4 spades, 4-5 hearts, no game hope.
2=  relay: 4 spades,  0 invite+.
2N=  relay: 4 spades,  or -

3=  relay: one-suited in diamonds; invite (only).

=  relay: 4-5 spades, 5+ hearts; invite+.


              3=  relay: 5+ spades,  4-5 hearts; game force+.
              3=  relay: 4441 game force+.

3N=  4432 or 4423;  SO.

4=  .

5 spades, 5 hearts; to SO or RKC (2 suit)

              4=  4 spades, 5 hearts; SO.

2   2 4 spades, 3 hearts..

               P =  4 spades, no game hope.
2N=  0-3 spades, 4 hearts, -

3=  relay: one-suited diamond invite (only).


               3=  3

 3=  0

               3N=  0

 4=  .


               4=  3

2   2N=  4 spades and 4 hearts; mini.
3=  relay: one-suited diamond invite (only).

                              3 mini, no diamond fit.

                                P =  no game likely.                               

                             3=  mini, diamond fit, cue, 4/5 maybe best.

3=  mini, diamond fit, cue, 4/5 maybe best.

3N=  diamond fit, 3N looks okay and best.
                    3 xfer: 4+ hearts, to SO or show slam interest.

                3=  xfer: 4+ spades, to SO or show slam interest.

2   3 4 spades and 4 hearts;  maxi.

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2 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):

2=  modified Jacoby xfer:
be one-suited in clubs (invite only) but not in diamonds;
        if not one-suited in clubs, will have 4+ hearts;
        no other response applicable.
2=  2-3 hearts, mini or maxi (may have 4 spades).

                P  =  0-4 spades, 5+ hearts, no game hope

                2=  invite+ relay:  0-3 spades, 5+ hearts, invite+.

                        2N=  mini, doubleton heart.

                        3=  maxi, doubleton heart.

                        3=  maxi

                        3=  maxi, 3 hearts,

                        3=  maxi: 4432 or 4423

                        3N=  maxi, 4333.

2Ninvite (only) relay:  one-suited clubs.
=  4 mini
=  ?
invite+ relay:  4+ hearts, 4+ sdianonds -3

              3=  ?

              3=  5+ spades, 4 hearts,

              3=  ?

              3N=  ?


      2 2-3 spades, 4 hearts.
2Ninvite plus relay:  0


      2N=  4 spades, 4 hearts, mini.


      3 4423, maxi.

      3 4432, maxi.


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2 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):

2 modified Jacoby xfer: 5+ spades; no 4+ hearts unless
        no game chance)

        4 spades, 0 to 3 hearts, ma
2=  forced

 2N=  ?
=  ?
=  ?
=  ?

                3=  ?
                3N=  ?



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2 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):

2=  ?
2N=  no 4+ minor

=  ?
=  ?

        3=  ?
        3N=  ?


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2N response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):

2N=  xfer: one-suited clubs, to SO in 3 or
        to GF (or better) in clubs or no trump.

=  forced.
                =  one-suited club sign off.

                3 GF (or better) in clubs or no trump,
                        singleton or void in diamonds.

GF (or better) in clubs or no trump,
                        singleton or void in hearts.

                3GF (or better) in diamonds or no trump,
                        singleton or void in spades.

Minorwood (RKC) in clubs.

                4 2 suit Minorwood (RKC) in clubs and diamonds.

                4 2 suit Minorwood (RKC) in clubs and hearts.
2 suit Minorwood (RKC) in clubs and spades.


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3 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):
3xfer: one-suited diamonds, to SO in 3 or
        to GF (or better) in diamonds or no trump.

        3=  forced.
                =  one-suited diamond sign off.
GF (or better) in diamonds or no trump,
                        singleton or void in hearts.

                3GF (or better) in diamonds or no trump,
                        singleton or void in spades.

GF (or better) in diamonds or no trump,
                        singleton or void in clubs.

                4 2 suit Minorwood (RKC) in clubs and diamonds.

                4 Minorwood (RKC) in diamonds.
2 suit Minorwood (RKC) in diamonds and hearts.

                4 2 suit Minorwood (RKC) in diamonds and spades.

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3 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):
3=  5 spades, 5+ hearts, invitational or better

        3 mini, more hearts than spades.

          3mini, more spades than hearts.

        3N=  mini, spades and hearts equal length.


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3 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):

3 G


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3 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):



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3N response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):
3N=  SO (no slam hope).


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4 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):



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4 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):
4 xfer to 4: one-suited hearts, to SO in 4 or
        to RKC or Exclusion RKC with hearts as trumps.
        4 forced.

                    4RKC with hearts as trumps - exclude spades.
                4NRKC with hearts as trumps.
5 RKC with hearts as trumps - exclude clubs.
5 RKC with hearts as trumps - exclude diamonds.


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4  response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):

4 xfer to 4: one-suited spades, to SO in 4  or
        to RKC or Exclusion RKC with spades as trumps.

        4=  forced.

                4NRKC with spades as trumps.
5 RKC with spades as trumps - exclude clubs.
5 RKC with spades as trumps - exclude diamonds.
=  RKC with spades as trumps - exclude hearts.


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4 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):


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4N response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):


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5 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):


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5 response and rebids after 1N open (no intervening bid):


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Responder's rebids over 1NT - 2§ - 2©

          2ª - 4+©, mild slam try

3§, 3¨ - 9+ HCP, with 4 spades, 5 of bid suit, forcing to at least 3NT

4§ - RK Gerber, asks key cards with hearts as trump suit

4NT – Invitational 16-17 HCP with 4-card spade suit 

Responder's rebids over 1NT - 2§ - 2¨


3©, 3ª - 10+ HCP with good 5-card suit, 4 of other major

3NT - 10+ HCP with 4 of a major suit

2¨ - Transfer to 2©

Responder's rebids over opener's 2© rebid Don’t protest, Be positive, suggest something else

2ª - Weak invitational, 6-8 HCP with 5 hearts, 5 spades

Smolen was cancelled – I’ve suggested several times that this should show 4 H and 5+ minor or 4-4 minors - with weak 5-5 or 4weak-4 can respond 2c (see above).         

2NT - 8-9 HCP with 5 hearts, no strong second suit

3§, 3¨ - 8+ HCP with 5 hearts, 5 or good 4 of second suit,  

3© - 8-9 HCP with very good 5 or 6-card heart suit

2© - Transfer to 2ª - Similar, but subsequent 3© shows 5-5, slam interest

2ª - Transfer: Opener’s 2NT = longer diamonds, 3§= longer or equaL length

Responder's rebids over opener's 2NT rebid

3§ - Weak hand with long clubs

3¨-  Weak hand with long diamonds

3© - Shows strong 5 clubs, good 4 or 5 diamonds, singleton heart

3ª - Shows strong 5 clubs, good 4 or 5 diamonds, singleton spade

3NT – Shows strong 5 clubs, 4 diamonds, 2-2 in majors

After singleton showing bid, opener fits minor or corrects to 4NT,

2NT – Invitational

            3§, 3¨  -  Game force, slam interest 

3©,  3ª  - Strong distributional hand with broken 6-card major suit,

Opener cue bids lowest ace with good 3-card fit

4©,  4©, - Transfer to 4©, 4ª, subsequent 4NT asks key cards

4§ - Gerber directly over 1NT , asks aces only, 4¨ = 1 or 4,  4© = 0 or 3,  4ª = 2

After opponent’s double of 1NT – Transfers, redouble for clubs

After opponent’s single suited overcall - Lebensohl 2NT – 3NT and cue bid show stopper     Immediate 3NT and cue bid denies stopper.  Double = penalty.


1n   4c= RKC Gerber


1n   4d= xfer to one-suit H, to SO or RKC

       4h= forced

              ps= SO

              4s= S cue

             4n= RKC

             5c= C cue

             5d= D cue

             5h= RKC, exclude S

             5c= RKC exclude C

             5d= RKC exclude D


1n   4h= xfer to one-suit S, to SO or RKC

       4s= forced

              ps= SO

              4n= RKC in S


              5c= C cue


              5d= D cue


              5h= S cue


              5s= RKC, exclude S


              5n= RKC, exclude D


              6c= RKC, exclude C


1n   4s =


1n   4n= relay (good 17 to bad 19 HCP, balanced, no 4 card M)

              ps= SO (15 to bad 16 HCP)

       5c= 4 cards in C (good 15 to 16 HCP)


      5d= no 4 card minor

                     4 H, 4c

      5s =










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Opening bid of 2= balanced: 21+ to 23- HCP or 25+ to ? HCP;
no 5+ cards in any suit

one-suited major hand:  21+ to ? HCP; a 5 card major;
no 4+ side suit
OR 8+ to ? tricks; a 6+ card major OR

one-suited minor hand:  21+ to ? HCP; a 5+ minor;
no 4+ side suit OR 8+ to 10- tricks; a 6+ minor; some suit not
stopped and not semi-stopped OR 10+ to ? tricks; a 6+ minor OR
two-suited game force:
5+ major and 4+ side suit OR 5+ clubs
and a 4+ card major.

Responses to 2 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:

2=  waiting: no higher and better bid applicable.

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 2 open.

2N=  5+ spades, 5+ hearts or 5 spades; any value hand.

        Go to 2N response and rebids after 2 open.


3=  positive (1 K, 2 Q, or better), Hx or 3 spades.

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.


3=  positive (1 K, 2 Q, or better), H.

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.


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Opening bid of 2=  balanced:  21+ to 23- or 25+ to 27- HCP;
may have any 5 card suit except diamonds;  
8+ to 10- tricks, one suited clubs, one (only) other suit
not stopped and not semi-stopped OR
10+ to ? tricks, unbalanced, 5+ clubs, a one or two suited
hand (not any 4441)  OR
8+ to ? tricks with either major as the primary suit and either a
one or two suited hand (not any 4441) OR
4414 with game force values.

2 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

2=  waiting, no higher and better bid applicable.


2N response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

2N=  5+ spades, 5+ hearts or 5 spades; any value hand.



3 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

3=  positive (1 K, 2 Q, or better), 4+ diamonds; 4+ clubs;
no 4+ major; no A, K, or Q in either major.


3 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

3=  positive (1 K, 2 Q, or better); 3 spades. 3 hearts, 5+ clubs.


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Opening bid of 2=

weak 2 equivalent: 5+ to 10- HCP (varying with vulnerability);

good 6 or very good 5 card suit OR
balanced or semi-balanced:
21+ to 23- HCP; 4441, 4432, 4423,

4414, 4324, 4243, 4144, 3442, 2443, or 1444 OR

game force: 5+ diamonds; 4 card major; no xx in another suit.

Responses to 2 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:
2=  no hope for game opposite a weak 2 equivalent;
        no 4+ hearts.

        2= 21+ to 23- HCP; 4441, 443{xx}, 44{xx}3, 4414,

               43{xx}4, 4{xx}43, or 4144 OR

               game force: 4 spades; 5+ diamonds.


        2N= 23+ to 25- HCP; 4432, 4423, 4342, 4333, 4324,

               3442, 3433, 3424, 3343, 3334, or 3244; no xx suit.


        3= 21+ to 23- HCP; 344{xx} or 1444.


        3= 21+ to 23- HCP; {xx}443.


        3game force: 4 hearts; 5+ diamonds; x in a suit.


        3= game force: 4 hearts; 5+ diamonds; void in a suit.


        3N= game force: 4 hearts; 5+ diamonds; other suits stopped.


2 invitation+ (F1R) opposite a weak 2 equivalent;
        unbalanced; 3+ heart support; no 4+ spades.

        Go to 2 response and rebids after 2 open.

2N=  game+ invitation (F1R) opposite a weak 2 equivalent,
        either:  unbalanced with 3+ heart support. or
, with or without 3+ heart support

        Go to 2N response and rebids after 2 open.



         Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.



         Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.


3=  preempt, 4+ hearts, less than good 7+ HCP

         Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.



         Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.

3N= SO

         Go to 2N response and rebids after 2 open.













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Opening bid of 2=  weak 2 or 2 equivalent: 5+ to 10- HCP
varying with vulnerability; good 6 or very good 5 card suit OR
23+ to 25- or 27+ HCP, no 5+ major or 5+ clubs
any 4441:
23+ to ? HCP
8+ to 10- tricks , one suited diamonds and one (only) other suit not
stopped and not semi-stopped OR

10+ to ? tricks, with diamonds as the primary suit in a one or two
suited hand (not three suited) OR
4441 or 4414 with game force values.

2 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

2=  asking for pass or correct (p/c); no 3+ hearts;
no hope for game opposite a weak 2 equivalent.

        P  =  weak 2 equivalent.

        2 weak 2 equivalent.
23+ to 25- HCP; balanced; no 5 hearts;
                all suits stopped or semi-stopped.

                P  =  no A, K, or Q; no 2 J; no favorable distribution.

                3 or a higher bid= same as to regular 2N sequences.

                  ET CETERA, all the same as if 2N open..


3=  game force; 5+ clubs; 4+ diamonds; no 4+ spades.

        3=  8+ to 10- tricks; one suited diamonds;
                some suit not stopped and not semi-stopped OR
                game force
; 5+ diamonds; no 4+ spades; no 4+ clubs;
                maybe 4 hearts. OR

                4441 or 4414 with game force values.

         3=  asking for pass or correct (p/c); no


         3=  game force; 5+ diamonds; 4 spades; maybe 4 hearts.


         2N=  4+ spades, 0 to 1 controls (singleton is a control).
                        3=  singleton diamond, asking how many controls
                                exclusive of diamond king.
                                30 controls exclusive of diamond king.
                                        3asking about specific Qs exclusive
                                                of diamond Q.

                                                3shows spade Q.

                                3=  4+
spades, heart K.

                                3=  4+ spades, spade K.

                       3 singleton heart, asking how many controls
                               exclusive of heart king.



                       3 singleton club, asking how many controls
                               exclusive of club king.

                               3 0 controls exclusive of heart king (maybe).


                ET CETERA

                3=   4+ diamonds, maybe 4+ hearts also,
                            no 4+ spades or clubs

                34+ hearts, no 4+ other suit, 0 to 4


                34+ spades, 3 or 4 controls.


                34+ spades, 5 or 6 controls


                3N=  4+ spades, 5 or 6 controls and club K.



2   2N=  23+ to 25- HCP, balanced, may have 5 cards in any suit
                  but, in any case, will have all suits stopped or
                  semi-stopped (a Jxx, Qx, or better).


2   3N= 27+ to 29- HCP, balanced, may have 5 cards in any
suit but, in any case, will have all suits stopped or semi-stopped
(Jxx, Qx, or better).


Opening bid of 2=  weak

2 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

2=  asking for pass or correct (p/c); 3+ hearts; no 3+ spades;
no hope for game opposite a weak 2 equivalent.

        2N=  23+ to 25- HCP or 27+ HCP, balanced,
        may have 5 cards in any suit but, in any case, will have
        all suits stopped or semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better).








        3same as to a  2 response.
                ET CETERA, all the same as after 2N open.



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Opening bid of 2=  weak

2N response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):
2N=  Relay: 3+ spades; 3+ hearts; any hand non-preemptive OR
any invite+ hand opposite a weak 2 or a weak
2 equivalent.


        3 5


        3 6.


        3 6

Opening bid of 2=  weak

3 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):



Opening bid of 2=  weak

3 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):



Opening bid of 2=  

3 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):



Opening bid of 2=  weak

3 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

3=  RKC


response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

3N= SO






4=  preempt, 4+ hearts, less than good 7+ HCP





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Opening bid of 2 mini-Flannery: 4+ to 10- HCP (varies with
vulnerability), 4 spades and 5 hearts or 5 weak spades and 5 hearts.
Responses to 2 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:
P  =  SO: weak, 0-3 spades, 2+ hearts,
        no other correct bid.
2=  weak, 3 spades; void or singleton heart or
3 good spades and xx in hearts.
        Go to 2 response and rebids after 2 open.


2N=  invite+ relay:
        Go to 2
N response and rebids after 2 open





3=  SO: weak, 4+ hearts, not right hand for a 4 bid.
        Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.

3=  SO: weak, 4+ spades, not right hand for a 4 bid.

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open.


        Go to 3N response and rebids after 2 open


4=  SO: 4+ hearts, preempt  OR game values.

        Go to 3 response and rebids after 2 open


4=  SO: 4+ spades, preempt  OR game values.

        Go to 4 response and rebids after 2 open


4N= 2 suit RKC (spades and hearts)


5= RKC, hearts agreed suit.


5= RKC, spades agreed suit.


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Opening bid of 2 mini-Flannery: 4+ to 9- HCP (varies with
vulnerability), 4 spades and 5 hearts or 5 weak spades and 5 hearts.

2 response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

2=  weak, 3 spades; void or singleton heart or
         weak, 3 good spades and xx in hearts

         P   = forced.


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Opening bid of 2 mini-Flannery: 4+ to 9- HCP (varies with
vulnerability), 4 spades and 5 hearts or 5 weak spades and 5 hearts.

2N response and rebids after 2 open (no intervening bid):

2N= invite+

        3minimum,  5 hearts, 4 spades.

        3=  minimum,  5 hearts, 5 spades.
        3maximum, 5 hearts, 4 spades.
  maximum, 5 hearts, 5 spades.


Raise to 3© -  Semi-preemptive

3NT - To play, opener must pass

2NT - Forcing, asks further description, values and suit quality

Opener's rebids:

  New suit bid by responder after initial 2NT response asks suit control

1-step response – none, 2-steps = 2nd round, 3-steps = 1st  round


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Opening bid of 2 preempt: one-suited in clubs OR
4441, 4144, or 1444:
21+ to 23+ or 25+ to 27- HCP.

Responses to 2 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:

2N=  forcing relay; n

        3=  preempt; one-suited in clubs without 2 of top 3 honors.

        3=  preempt; one-suited in clubs with two of top three honors.

        3=  game force; 4441, 4414, 1444.

                3=  xfer: no 4+ spades; no 4+ hearts; no 3N or higher bid.

                        3N= forced unless slam in hand.

                               = one-suited clubs; 3N by opener best.


                3N no 4+ spades, no 4+ hearts; good


                4=  xfer relay; o


  4=  p


                4=  g  

          3=  game force; 4144.


          3N=  1




3§ - Min, 5 cards, 3¨ - Min, 6 cards, 3© - Max, 5 cards, 3ª -  Max, 6 cards 3NT - Max, suit  A K Q 4 3 2

New suit bid by responder after initial 2NT response asks suit control

1-step response – none, 2-steps = 2nd round, 3-steps = 1st  round 

            New suit forcing by unpassed hand.


Opening bid of 2N=  balanced: 19+ to 21- HCP;
all suits stopped or semi-stopped (maybe 5 of any suit).

Responses to 2N open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:



3§ - Stayman, asks for 4- card major

3¨ - Denies a 4-card major

3© - Shows 4-card heart suit  

3ª - Shows 4-card spade suit

3NT = Denies 4-card major

3¨ - Transfer to hearts, subsequent opener may bid 4© with maximum, super fit

After opener's 3© rebid, 3ª - Shows 5-5, no slam interest

4§, 4¨- Shows 5 hearts, 5 of bid suit, slam interest

4NT - Quantitative, 11-12 HCP

3© - Transfer to spades, opener may bid 4ª  with maximum, super fit

After opener's 3ª rebid, 4© shows 5-5 with slam interest

Other bids similar to above

3ª - Transfer to 3NT Don’t know exactly what you mean if responder’s     second bid is a major at lowest level, then he has the other.

Responder's 4§ or 4¨ rebid shows good suit, slam interest

Opener cue bids lowest side suit ace with good fit

Opener rebids 4NT without fit

4¨,  4©, - Transfer to 4©, 4ª, subsequent 4NT asks key cards

4NT - Quantitative, 11-12 HCP

4§ - Gerber directly over 2NT, asks aces only, 4¨ = 1 or 4, 4© = 0 or 3, 4ª = 2


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Opening bid of 3=  preempt; one-suited in diamonds with
2 or 3 of the top 3 honors; no 3 card major with A, K, Q, or J.

Responses to 3 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:


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Opening bid of 3=  preempt: one-suited in diamonds without
2 or 3 of the top 3 honors; no 3 card major with an A, K, Q, or J.

Responses to 3 open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:


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Opening bid of 3=  1



Opening bid of 3=  1


Opening bid of 3N=  8+ to 10- tricks, a 5+ minor one suited,
all other suits stopped or semi-stopped (Jxx, Qx, or better).

Responses to 3N open by unpassed hand
if no intervening double or overcall:


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Opening bid of 4=  1



Opening bid of 4=  1



Opening bid of 4=  1


Opening bid of 4=  1


Opening bid of 4N=  1

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Opening bid of 2N=  1


Opening bid of 1§ - 1© - 2NT     18-19 HCP, balanced hand 



3§ - Asks for 3-card heart support, game forcing

3¨ - No 3-card heart support

Responder, with game hand may bid 3NT or bid side suit

3© - Shows 3-card heart support

With slam interest, responder bids new suit to show values

3¨ - Stayman for 4-card major

3© - Shows weak, hand 5+ card heart suit

4© - Shows 7-9 HCP good 5 or 6 card heart suit, no slam interest

4NT  - Quantitative raise 13-14 HCP




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Preemptive Bidding


Opening bid of 3§, 3¨       8-11 HCP, suit  K Q 10 4 3 2 not vul.,  A Q J 10 3 2 vulnerable

                                                          Slightly weaker 3rd position, NV vs. V

Responses: ??

3¨ - Asks for 3-card major suit

3© - Shows 3-card spade suit          3ª - Shows 3-card heart suit

3NT - Denies 3-card major suit

3©, 3ª - Forcing, shows 6-card suit over 3§, very good 5 or 6-card over 3¨      


Opening bid of 3©, 3ª        Free preemptive bid, 7-card suit not vulnerable

                                       Good suit, 6 ½ - 7 playing tricks vulnerable


3NT - To play, but responder may bid 4 of suit missing A-K

New suit - Asks controls in that suit, except 4© over 3ª is to play

1 Step = None, 2-Steps = 2nd round control, 3 Steps = 1st round control


Opening bid of 3NT   We could use this as preemptive with an 8-card minor


Opening bid of 4§, 4¨- This could then be Namyats type hand.


Opening bid of 4©, 4ª - Free preemptive bid, good 7 or 8-card suit, 7- 8 playing tricks

                                Does not include defensive values     


4NT -  Asks key cards

New suit - Asks suit controls:  1-step - none, 2-steps = 2nd round, 3-steps = 1st  round




Ace Asking Bidding Sequences - Key Cards or Aces


4NT after suit agreement, implied agreement, or after last suit bid asks Key Cards -

       Aces, trump king and (queen)

5§  - 1 or 4 Key cards       5¨ -  0 or 3 Key cards

5© - 2 key cards          5ª -  2 key cards with trump queen

After 5§ or 5¨, cheapest non-agreed suit asks trump queen 1 step = no, 2 steps = yes

Subsequent 5NT bid asks side suit kings


Key card responses after an intervening suit bid:


 Pass = 1 or 4, Double = 0 or 3, 1-Step = 2,  2 Steps =  2 with queen of trumps.


 4§ (Gerber) - Asks aces only for no trump sequences defined by limit bids

Ace only responses are: 4¨ = 1 or 4,   4© = 0 or 3,  4ª = 2


4§     ,  4¨ - Minorwood  4 of agreed minor asks key cards.

                     1-step = 1 or 4, 2 steps = 0 or 3, 3 steps = 2, 4 steps = 2                    with trump queen. 


Responding to 4NT Key Card Asking Bid with a Void Suit


  5NT = 2 keycards + useful void

  6 of lower ranking suit = 1 keycard + void in bid suit



 Grand Slam Force


5NT  asks honors in agreed trump suit (generally after cue bidding sequence)

5NT bidder must have a minimum of Q J 3 2 or Q 5 4 3 2 in suit

Responses: 6§ - A 3 2, K 3 2, Q 5 4 3 2 or less for any trump suit

6¨ - K 4 3 2, A 4 3 2  for diamond, heart and spade suits,

6© - K 5 4 3 2,  A 5 4 3 2, for heart and spade suit, 7 of agreed suit - K Q 2, A Q 2, A K 2


Five of Agreed Suit 


Jump to five of agreed suit after cue bidding sequence 5NT shows 2 losers in unbid suit.  Responder passes with no second round control, bids 6 with singleton, 5NT with K x, 6 of unbid suit with ace.




Bidding with Interference


Negative free bids at 2 level up to 9 HCP Oh, shit yes, and when ops preempt, guess your suits at 4 level with good hands.  Don’t be so negative.  What should I do, make a negative double then show my suit at a higher level with less than an opening bid?


Negative doubles thru 3ª, after 1¨ overcall - double shows none or both majors


After double of 1§, 1¨open:  2NT = preemptive raise, 3§, 3¨ = limit raise

 Weak jump responses in majors, 1 level major suit bid forcing 1 round.


After opponent’s double of 1©, 1ª:  2NT = limit raise, 3©, 3ª = preemptive raise


After opening bid of 1§ - 2ª overcall

2NT - 11-12 HCP, 3NT - 13-14 HCP, balanced hand with stopper(s)

3§ - 10-12 HCP with 5-card support

3¨, 3© - Forcing with good 5 or 6-card suit

3ª (Cue bid) - Asks opener to bid 3NT with stopper

3NT - 13-14 HCP, balanced hand, generally double stopper

Double - Negative, 9+ HCP with unbid major


After an opening bid of 1ª - 2§ Overcall

2ª - 6-9 HCP, 3 or 4 trumps,  

3ª - Preemptive,

4ª - 6-10 HCP, distributional hand, 4 or 5-card support

2¨, 2© - 7-10 HCP, good 5 or 6-card suit

2NT - 11-12 HCP, 3NT - 13-15 HCP, generally balanced hand with good stopper

3§ (Cue bid) – At least limit raise, 2 defensive tricks, 4§ - Splinter, 11+ HCP, 4+ spades

Double - 8+ HCP, 4 of unbid major


After an opening bid of 1 NT - 2© Overcall

2ª - Competitive  

3§, 3¨- Forcing with good suit

2NT – Lebensol, transfer to 3§, weak hand, shown by passing or bidding suit at 3 ll                     level,    

          3NT = game hand with heart stopper,

         Cue bid = Stayman with stopper

3© - Cue bid = Stayman, 10+ HCP, with 4 cards in unbid major, no heart stopper

Opener rebids:

3ª -  Shows 4-card spade suit,  3NT - No 4-card spade suit, but stopper

4§, 4¨ - No 4-card spade suit, unstopped doubleton in opponent's suit

3ª - Invitational, 6-card suit with two top honors    4© - Transfer to 4ª

3NT - To play, no stopper in opponent's suit

Double - Penalties, opener must pass


After opponent’s two-suited overcall: Cuebid = lower-lower  Double = penalty for one suit




Counter-Offensive Bidding




Michaels cuebids for opponents’ opening bids in other suits. 

Reopening Michaels only  with both majors                                                  

Weak jump overcalls


Over opponents 1NT opening bid: immediate and reopening

2§ = Single suited hand good 4+ card major

2¨ overcall of opponent's 1NT opening bid    Shows 4-5, or  5-5 in spades and hearts

2©, 2ª overcall of opponent's 1NT opening bid        Shows good 5-card and 5-card minor t

2NT shows good 5-5 or 6-5 in clubs and diamonds very rare

Double = 16 -18 HCP, balanced hand  with good lead or unbalanced with running suit

Double - 13+ HCP in reopening position (2 HCP less than opener's)


1NT overcall 15+-18 immediate position, Reopening position – 11 + - 14 after minors,
                                                                  11 - 15 against majors, systems on


1§, 1¨ Dbl. - 1©, 1ª - Dbl. = 4 cards in bid major, 7+ HCP


Sandwich No Trump Overcall (1¨ - Pass - 1ª - 1NT)

Shows a distributional hand with 5-5 in the unbid suits, up to 11 HCP. 


Responsive doubles up to 3ª after overcall or takeout double


Preemptive raises of overcalls: Cue bid = at least limit raise,

                                           Jump cue bid = at least limit raise, 4 trumps


After opening weak 2©, 2ª     

Double = takeout, 13+ HCP, 3+ cards in unbid major,

      Lebensohl  responses. Suit bid at 3-level shows 7-11 HCP, 4+ card suit 

      2NT = transfer to 3§, Subsequent pass or bid of suit at 3 level shows 0 - 6 HCP

2NT = 16-18 HCP, Stayman, transfers on.  3NT to play.

Cue bid asks partner to bid 3NT with stopper

Jump to 4 of minor shows 5+ of minor and 5 of unbid major


After Opponent's opening 4© - Immediate position

Double - Takeout with 4  spades      4NT - Minor suit takeout


After Opponent's opening 4ª - Immediate position

Double – Penalties                4NT - 2-suit takeout

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Defense vs. 1N open (Crashkey he he)

1N   X= 2 suits same Color: one of the suits may have 4 cards

only if has relatively good values or if the hand has extra values

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X XX.


1N 22 suits same RAnk; one of the suits may have 4 cards

only if it has relatively good values or the hand has extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P.


1N 22 suits same SHape; one of the suits may have 4 cards

only if it has relatively good values or the hand has extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P.


1N 25+ hearts; no 5+ side suit; no 4 card side suit unless it
does not have relatively good values and unless, also, the hand

does not have extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P.


1N 25+ spades; no other 5+ suit; no 4 card side suit unless it

does not have relatively good values and unless, also, the hand

does not have extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P.


1N 2N= preemptive: 6+ spades, 4 hearts or 6+ hearts, 4 spades.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2N P.


1N 3one-suited: not solid 6+ clubs, scattered values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 3 P.


1N 3one-suited: not solid 6+ diamonds, scattered values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 3 P.


1N 3= preemptive; good 6+ hearts; no 4+ spades.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 3 P.


1N 3preemptive; good 6+ spades; no 4+ hearts.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 3 P.


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1N  X= 2 suits same Color.

Responses and rebids after 1N X P.

P  2= fewer than 7 black cards: more clubs than spades or

same number of clubs as spades but not 3 of each with better

spades; no invitational values except, maybe, if the crasher has

a good fit or extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 2 P.



P 2= fewer than 7 red cards: more diamonds than hearts or

same number of diamonds as hearts but not 3 of each with better

hearts; no invitational values except, maybe, if the crasher has

a good fit or extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P  2 P.


P 2= fewer than 7 red cards: more hearts than diamonds or

3 of each with better hearts; no invitational values except, maybe,

if the crasher has a good fit or extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 2 P .


P 2= fewer than 7 black cards: more spades than clubs or

3 of each with better spades; no invitational values except, maybe,

if the crasher has the red suits or extra values.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 2 P.

P 2N= one-suited: any value hand; a good 7+ card any suit OR

invitational values: 2 spades and 2 hearts, 3 spades and 3 hearts,

or 4+ spades and 4+ hearts.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 2N P.

P 3= fewer than 7 black cards: more clubs than spades; invitational values even if the crasher has the black suits.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 3 P .


P 3= fewer than 7 red cards: more diamonds than hearts; invitational values even if the crasher has the red suits.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P  3 P.


P 3= fewer than 7 red cards: more hearts than diamonds;

invitational values even if the crasher has the red suits.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 3 P.


P 3= fewer than 7 black cards: more spades than clubs;

invitational values even if the crasher has the black suits.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P 3 P.


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1N  X

P   2fewer than 7 black cards: more clubs than spades or

same number of clubs as spades but not 3 of each with better

spades; no invitational values except, maybe, if the crasher has

a good fit or extra values.

           P    P= black suits; no 6+ spades; no extra values.

           2= 5+ hearts; 4 better or 5+diamonds; no extra values.

           P  25 spades; 4 equal or better clubs; extra values OR

                      6+ spades; 4 equal or better clubs; no extra values.

                      P   P = 2 spades, 2-3 clubs; no invitational values.

                      P  2N= 2 spades; 2-4 clubs; invitational values.

                                  3= 5 spades; 4 equal or better clubs;

                                         extra values.

                                         3= 6




                                                3= 3


                                               4= 0


                                 3= 6+ spades, 4 equal or better clubs,

                                        diamond singleton; no extra values but

                                        game if fitter.


                                 3= 6+ spades, 4 equal or better clubs,

                                        heart singleton; no extra values but

                                        game if fitter.



                      P  3= 0-1 spades; 3-5 clubs; no invitational values.


                      P  3= 4 he4 he


                      P  35


                      P  3invitational: 3 spades; 3 equal/better clubs.




           P  2N=  5+ spades; 5+ clubs; extra values OR

                       6+ spades; 4 equal or better clubs; extra values.



           P  3= 5+ clubs; 4 better spades; extra values.


           P  35+ diamonds, 4 better/equal hearts; extra values.

           P  35+ hearts; 4 good or 5+ diamonds; extra values.


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1N  X    

 2fewer than 7 red cards: more diamonds than hearts or

same number of diamonds as hearts but not 3 of each with better

hearts; no invitational values except, maybe, if the crasher has

a good fit or extra values.

           P    P= red suits; no extra values.

 5 hearts, 4 good or 5+ diamonds; extra values.

           P  25+ spades; 4 good or 5+ clubs; no extra values.


           P  2N5+ spades; 4 good or 5+ clubs; extra values.


           P  3= 4 good spades; 5+ clubs; extra values.


           P  34 good hearts; 5+ diamonds; extra values.


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1N  X

P  2fewer than 7 red cards: more hearts than diamonds or

3 of each with better hearts; no invitational values except, maybe,

if the crasher has a good fit or extra values; no 2N response.


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1N  X

P  2fewer than 7 black cards: more spades than clubs or

3 of each with better spades; no invitational values except, maybe,

if the crasher has a good fit or extra values.

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1N  X

P  2N= one-suited: any value hand; a good 7+ card any suit OR

invitational: 3 spades, 3 hearts or 4+ spades, 4+ hearts.

           P 3has red suits.
P   P= good 7+ clubs; no extra values or spade stop.
P 34+ spades; 5+ diamonds (agreed trumps).


                     P 34+ hearts (agreed trumps); invitational.


                     P 3good 7+ spades; no extra values.


                     P 3Ngood 7+ clubs; extra values and spade stop.

 P 44+ spades; 3 hearts; 4+ diamonds.

 P 47+ diamonds (agreed trumps).

                     P 44+ hearts (agreed trumps).
P 3has black suits.


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1N  X

P  3fewer than 7 black cards: 0-1 spades, 4-6 clubs;

invitational values even if the crasher has the black suits.


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1N X

P 3fewer than 7 red cards: more diamonds than hearts;

invitational values even if the crasher has the red suits.


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1N X

P  3fewer than 7 red cards: more hearts than diamonds;

invitational values even if the crasher has the red suits.

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1N X

P  3fewer than 7 black cards: more spades than clubs;

invitational values even if the crasher has the black suits.


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1N X= 2 suits same color.

Responses and rebids after 1N X if next hand redoubles.

XX   P= w


XX 2w

             Go to responses and rebids after 1N X P.



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1N X= 2 suits same color.

Responses and rebids after 1N X if next hand bids a suit.


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1N 22 suits same rank.

P   2= fewer than 7 minor cards: more diamonds than clubs
or same number of diamonds as clubs; no invitational values except,

maybe, if crasher has the majors; no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  2 P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   2= fewer than 7 major cards: more hearts than spades or

same number of hearts as spades; no invitational values except,

maybe, if crasher has the minors; no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  2 P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   2= fewer than 7 major cards: more spades than hearts;

no invitational values except, maybe, if crasher has the minors;

no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  2 P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   2N= one-suited: good 7+ cards in any suit; any value hand OR

a 4+ major and a 4+ minor; any value hand.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  2N P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   3= fewer than 7 minor cards: more clubs than diamonds;

no invitational values except, maybe, if crasher has the majors;

no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  3 P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   3= fewer than 7 minor cards: more diamonds than clubs or
same number of diamonds as clubs; no invitational values except,

maybe, if crasher has the black suits; no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  3 P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   3= fewer than 7 major cards: more hearts than spades or

same number of hearts as spades; invitational values even if crasher

has the minors; no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  3 P.


1N 22 suits same rank.

P   3= fewer than 7 major cards: more spades than hearts;

invitational values even if crasher has the minors; no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P 3 P.


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1N 2

P   2= fewer than 7 minor cards: more diamonds than clubs or
same number of diamonds as clubs; no invitational values except,

maybe, if crasher has the majors; no 2N response.

           P    P=

           P  25 hearts; 4 good or 5 diamonds; no extra values.

           P  25 spades; 4 good clubs; extra values.


           P  2N= 5+ spades; 5+ clubs; extra values.


          P  3= 4 good spades; 5+ clubs; extra values.


          P  34 hearts; 5+ diamonds; extra values.

          P  35+ hearts; 4 good or 5+ diamonds; extra values.




1N 2

P   2=



1N 2

P   2=



1N 2

P   2N=



1N 2

P   3=


1N 2

P   3=



1N 2

P   3=



1N 2

P   3=






1N 22 suits same rank.

Responses and rebids after 1N 2 if next hand doubles.


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1N 2= 2 suits same color.

Responses and rebids after 1N 2 if next hand bids a suit.


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1N 22 suits same shape.

P   2= fewer than 7 hearts plus clubs: more hearts than clubs
or same number of hearts as clubs; no invitational values except,

maybe, if crasher has spades and diamonds; no 2N response.

            Go to responses and rebids after 1N 2 P  2 P.



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1N 2= 5+ hearts; no 4 card side suit except with

6+ hearts or with 5 hearts if the 4 card suit is relatively poor

in values and if, also the hand has no extra values.

Responses and rebids after 1N 2 if next hand passes.
P     P
no other applicable bid.
P   2
forces a 2N bid if next hand passes unless .

forces a 3 bid if next hand passes unless .

P   3= invitational:
3+ hearts.


P   3forces a 3 bid if next hand passes unless .


P   3= preemptive: 3+ hearts; very limited values.


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1N  25+ spades; no other 5+ suit; no 4 card side suit except with 6+ spades or with 5 spades if the 4 card suit is relatively poor

in values and if, also, the hand has no extra values.

Responses and rebids after 1N 2 if next hand passes.
P      P
no other applicable bid.
P   2N=  forces a 3 bid if next hand passes unless .

P   3=  
forces a 3 bid if next hand passes unless .


P   3=  forces a 3 bid if next hand passes unless .


P   3=  invitational: 3+ spades.


P   3=  preemptive: 3+ spades; very limited values.


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Responses and rebids after 1N 2N.

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Responses and rebids after 1N P P 2.


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If not playing crash in pass-out position:


1N P P  X= balanced 11+ HCP.
                  Go to responses and rebids after 1N P P X.


1N P P 2= both majors; neither suit may be only four cards
                   in length unless it has better values than other major.

                   Go to responses and rebids after 1N P P 2.


1N P P 2= xfer to 2.

                   Go to responses and rebids after 1N P P 2.


1N P P 2= xfer to 2.

                   Go to responses and rebids after 1N P P 2.

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Defense vs. Multi

2   X=  equivalent to:  takeout X of  2 or of  2 OR

balanced:       OR
one-suited minor:



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Defense vs. 1 Overcall
  1   X=  4+ to ? HCP; exactly 4-4 or 5-5 in majors or
exactly 4 cards in one major and a weak 5 cards in other major OR
NO 4+ in one major only; no other appropriate

1  1 1=  same as if no overcall except: no 4 spades unless also
                    have 6+hearts or 5 better than weak hearts.  

1  1 1=  same as if no overcall except: no 4+ hearts unless also
                    have 6+ spades or 5 not weak hearts.

1  1 1N=  same as if no overcall except diamonds well stopped.


1  1 2=  7+ to 10- HCP; 5+ clubs; no 4+ major; no 1N bid.

1  1 2 same as a 2 bid if no overcall (no 4+ major).


1  1 2Nsame as if no overcall except diamonds well stopped.


1  1 3=  game invite or slam invite; 5+ in each major;

                    hearts longer or better than spades.


1  1 4 5+ in each major; hearts longer or better than spades;
                    will sign-off (pass) or 2 suit RKC. on next bid.

1  1   ? other bids all same as if no overcall.


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Defense vs. 1 Overcall
/1 1    X= NO 4+ spades; no other appropriate bid.

1/1 1  1= same as if no overcall.

1/1 1  1N= same as if no overcall except hearts well stopped.


1/1 1  2/2 raise= 7+ to 10- HCP; 5+ support; no 4+ major.

1/1 1  2= same as a 2/2 raise if no overcall (no 4+ major).


1/1 1  2N= same as if no overcall except hearts well stopped.


1/1 1   ?= other bids all same as if no overcall.


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Defense vs. 1N Overcall