Imjin Buddy Bunker - Page Nine
Entry #79 - 05 Mar 2003
Dennis Robinson
- formerly of Melbourne, Australia.
E-mail: Murray re Robinson
Served in Korea: During 1951 and ? in the Royal Australian Regiment.
MK note: The Dennis Robinson story is told by Alan Murray, who is the Publicity Officer for the Australian Korea Veterans Association, also known as KVAA, Inc. That last information is courtesy of the Google search engine, which also told me that you may email Alan about the KVAA. Thanks, Alan. MK.
The Story: As a mate of Dennis Robinson who passed away in Dec 2002, I felt he should be seen on your site. He was British born and served in the British Army in WW2. Then, he migrated to Australia, heard the call to arms again, and finished up his military service in Korea by serving in the Royal Australian Regiment. He was with that unit when it fought, along with other Commonwealth units, at Maryang-San (Hill 317) and other nasty places
. Alan.Entry #80 - 14 Mar 2003
Carroll Stuart
PO Box 191705
Park City, Utah 84060-1917
Telephone: 435 615 8526
Served in Korea: August 1951 to July 1952 in the 4th Sqd, 3rd Plt, Co I, 3rd Bn, 7th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: I found your IBB site while researching Korean War sites to find anything on the 3rd Inf Div. It is a great web site and I gleaned a lot of info from it. The maps are also great. I just have one complaint: I haven't found any maps that show the MLR specifically from Hill 355 to the Imjin.
Our 3rd Bn was to the right of the 2nd Bn on 355 in Nov 1951 when they were driven off of 355. They had very poor positions on a very rocky hill and were hit with a massive artillery barrage and a very large force of Chinese. The Chinese were pouring into the valley in front of 355 all day. I know because we could see long lines of them coming down the hills to the left of Hill 317 early that day. We reported this back up the line but nothing really happened. Anyway, the 2nd Bn of the 15th Inf Rgt was used in the counterattack and retook the hill. Our 1st Bn was in blocking position for some other Regiment further to the right of our 7th Regiment.
On the night before that action on hill 355, our positions were hit with a heavy artillery barrage and, just as soon as it was over, our veteran NCOs rousted everyone back into the fighting positions and we beat back an attack with no casualties - the wire emplaced in front of our positions by the Brits, whom we had relieved, slowed them to a crawl and it was a turkey shoot.
Anyway, during all the time we were there to the right of 355, we had to stare at the forbidding Hill 317 (now renamed Hill 315) directly in front of us.
While my Bn was on the MLR further northeast of Hill 355 and along the Imjin where the 1st Bn of the 15th Inf Rgt had been earlier in 1952, I was told to grab my gear and get my butt to Co Hq where I was told to join in a trip to Outpost Nori to take out some ammo to the platoon (the 1st Platoon, I think) that would be manning it starting that night.
I wasn't impressed with the almost nonexistent fighting positions - just a shallow trench that encircled the hill. That night Nori took heavy artillery fire and then was attacked by the Chinese. Back on the MLR, the story quickly spread about how our Company Commander, Captain Franklin, was all over the hill waving his .45 and directing the defense of the hill, inspiring the men and all that. He was awarded the DSC for his actions that night. This was about 06 Jul 1952.
Back to the maps: when I saw them I was amazed at how close our positions on the Imjin were to where I was in Nov of 51 across from Hill 317; and, looking at the maps, I wished that they had shown where the MLR was so I could trace the line from the Imjin to Hill 355.
Thanks for your great work on this site.
MK comment: Well, Carroll, I think you may get some help on locating that MLR from a couple of Bunker guys (not me, it's sad to report) who I will let get the idea of contacting you. Meanwhile, we would like to hear more of your story and hope to see any photos you may have saved all these years. MK.
Entry #81 - 04 Jun 2003
William C. Flippo
522 E Lakeside Drive
Florence, Alabama 35630
Telephone: 256 766-6987
Larry (re William) Flippo
Served in Korea: April 1951 to August 1952 in Co D, 1st Bn, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
MK insert: When the information you see above came without a story, of course I asked for it. William Flippo's son Larry then told me that he was making the entry for his father, who refused to have anything to do with computers, and promised me he would get the story from his father and send it to me.
Larry must be a man of his word because he sent me the story you are about to read - made better by his telling it in the first person. I made my usual edits and additions to the tale, but did not try to change the meaning or spirit of Larry's relay of his father's words. I especially liked the last sentence of the story. MK
The Story: I was a Cpl and had been in the Army for two years when I was sent to Korea. The ship I was on arrived at Inchon, Korea in April 1951 and a group of us were taken to shore in a Landing Craft.
From there, I was transported
to the 3rd Div, then on and around Hill 317 near the Imjin River, and assigned
to the 81mm Mortar Platoon of Co D (Heavy Weapons Company) of the 1st Bn, 15th
Inf Rgt.
On 25 Sep 1951, the 15th and the 1st Bn of the 65th (Puerto Rican) left the
Division position and, on the 29th, joined in an assault on Hills 477 and 487 (Old Baldy) which
had been overrun and taken from the ROK army. We claimed the hill mass and dug
in there for five weeks. Our company lost, among others, the Platoon Leader
(whose name I can't recall) of the Heavy Machine Gun
Platoon of our Co D.
After that five weeks on Old Baldy, we (the 15th and the 1st Bn of the 65th)
rejoined the 3rd Div. The 1st Bn of the 15th was positioned from on and around
Hill 355, which overlooked the Imjin River, on to the east along the main
line of resistance, which across the Imjin and continued along its bank for some
distance. That section of the main line blocked the main corridor the Chinese
had previously used to overrun the 1st Marines and retake Seoul and was critical
in preventing another such offensive.
I remember that, upstream, the enemy would load explosives in barrels and float
them downstream in attempts to blow up the bridges built by our engineers. The
2nd Platoon (75mm Recoilless Rifles) set up their guns along the river and knock
out the barrels.
After four months along the Imjin, I was promoted to Sgt and served as our Platoon Sergeant. The prior Platoon Sergeant had just been killed and I was his replacement. I kept the Platoon until, in May of 1952, I was transferred to 8th Army Headquarters back in Seoul and remained as a Platoon Sgt until I was rotated home in August of 1952.
I will send pictures if you like - most were taken at Camp Casey and some on the MLR.
MK add-on: Larry and J. C. Poe (#2) have already exchanged some emails back and forth and one of them from Larry was relayed to me. It had some more information about Larry's father and I think I should pass it on to you. Here it is:
"Thanks for all the info. I have visited the Bunker. I am trying to get myDad to visit. He loves to talk about it but he doesn't like computers. That's why I am doing his writing. If I could get him involved I think he would love it. He spends a lot of time talking to high Schools about the war and he is very active in the Korean Veterans Association.
"He went to Washington for the unveiling of the Korean War Memorial and plans to return again this July. I believe that he would thoroughly enjoy the Bunker and I am doing my part to get him there. I think it will do him a lot of good.
"My Dad is a minister. I think all he has to do is preach and talk. I believe he has a lot of memories of Korea that he is not telling. It would be good to associate with others who have the same experiences.
"Thank you for all of your assistance. I will continue to relay your info to him if you will continue to send it.
"Thanks again, Larry."
Thanks Larry and J. C. for the makings of this add-on. MK.
Entry #82 - 05 Jun 2003
Gene A. Hansen
2855 E
Gary St
Mesa, Arizona. 85213
Telephone: 480 981 2331
E-mail: Gene
A. Hansen
Served in Korea: August 1951 to April 1952 in Co B, 1st Bn, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: In August of 1951, I was assigned to Co B as its Supply Sgt. The unit was in the Chorwon Valley area when I joined it. We were in this area for several months, from one hill to another.
I remember: Lt Wright; Cpl Testerman, a Supply Clerk; Cpl Butts, one of our cooks; Sgt Nevelle (sp?), a squad leader; and, another buddy named Louvars, but affectionately called "The Greek".
In April of 1951, Co B was located on the Imjin River where it had been, off and on, for several months. During that month, I left to go to the states on an emergency leave.
Co B was a great outfit and I have lasting memories of the time I spent with it in Korea.
MK comment: Thanks, Gene, for jumping in the Bunker. Here you will find some other Co B guys and their photos. You may be able to revive even more lasting memories of your time in Co B. MK.
Entry #83 - 06 Jun 2003
Pedro A. Santana
Telephone (home): 305 382 4666
Telephone (work): 305 498 4095
Fax: 305 382 4666
E-mail: Pedro
Served in Korea: Before, during, and after September of 1952 in Co F, 65th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story: It is very hard to remember seven days and six nights on top of Kelly Hill.
MK comment: Thanks, Pedro Santana. We are proud to have another guy from the 65th ("Borinqueneers") Infantry Regiment jump in the Bunker with us. I hope you tell us your Zip Code and more of what you can remember about your time in Korea and, in particular, about your seven days and six nights on Outpost Kelly in September of 1952.
We already know much about what was happening on Kelly during the time Pedro was there from the story told in detail by Bart Soto on his page which is named The 65th Infantry Regiment on Kelly in September 1952.
While Pedro is reading that page, his memory of his time on Kelly may be somewhat revived. I say that because the part that Pedro's F Co played in the events on Kelly during September of 1952 and under the command of (then) Cpt Willis "Bud" Cronkhite. During one time period of only six days, Co F lost about half its men. MK.
MK add-on: (15 Jun 2003) WOW!!! With some gentle prodding from Bart Soto and me, Pedro has told us
More of the Story. For a good read, click on that title of the tale. MK.Entry #84 - 09 Jun 2003
*Stewart J.
05 Nov 1951
E-mail: Helen (re
Stewart) Sutherland
Served in Korea: During most of 1951 with the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders and the King's Own Scottish Borderers.
The Story: My brother (a Scot), Sgt. Stewart J. Sutherland fought with the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders and then transferred to the King's Own Scottish Borderers. Stewart was an arms instructor and played several musical instruments. He was lost on Hill 317 on November 5, 1951. I was wondering if anyone remembered him. He sent home a piece of poetry he had written about the Battle of Imjin River, June 1951, and I'd like to share it with you.
A Battle Fought
Battle was fought on a mountain high.
Men lost their lives and their families did cry.
No reason was given why this should be
But these men paid the cost and 'twas no small fee.
After six days of hell the battle was lost;
The enemy were victors who paid highly the cost.
Dead, wounded and dying, they lay all around.
The price paid for a mountainous piece of ground.
Six weeks it was held by the enemy force
Who buried their dead and felt no remorse;
They cleaned up the hilltop to left and the right
But left a poor Tommy who was hidden from sight.
At last the day came, 'twas sunny and bright
The enemy were beaten and driven to flight
Brave Tommy was found in the slit he had made -
It did not protect him when they made their raid.
The hill is now held by a friendly force
Who have hearts and feelings and do feel remorse;
They have buried him there on that mountain peak
Where he will have rest, though unable to speak.
His comrades who escaped the bullet and shell
will flay his tormentors until they're in hell;
They'll battle and slay till the last round is fired
And aggression is squashed and peace acquired.
Thanks to all in the Bunker and, especially, to all who fought on or near Hill 317. Helen Sutherland.
MK comment: Thanks to you, Helen, for putting Stewart in the Bunker with us. You can be sure that he is among those who will continue to honor him and respect his memory. Maybe, one of these days, someone will drop by and personally remember your brother. MK.
Entry #85 - 19 Jan 2004
Paul M. Roach
3751 Hummingbird Lane
Roanoke, Virginia 24018-5111
Telephone (home): 540-774-5736
Fax: 540-776-7873
Paul Roach
Served in Korea: 10 October 1951 to 23 September 1952 in 2nd Sqd, 4th Plt, Co G, 2nd Bn, 15th Inf Rgt, 3rd Inf Div.
The Story:
Mervin, your story about the 101st Airborne
Division patch, bloused boots, and Evansville, Indiana, brought back memories to
me. I also trained in the 101st at Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky. My training
outfits were the 515th Airborne Infantry Regiment and the 42nd Tank Battalion.
Upon arriving at Camp Drake, Japan, I was assigned to the 7th Inf. Div; but,
several days later, while en route to Inchon, Korea, my orders and the
orders of many others were changed so that we were assigned to the 3rd Inf Div.
We were told that our orders were changed as a result of the heavy action that
the 3rd Inf Div had encountered in the Chorwon Valley sector.
When I arrived at Co G of the 15th, I was assigned, at first, to the 2nd Squad
of the 4th (Weapons) Platoon as the gunner on a 57mm Recoilless Rifle team.
I enjoyed talking with you on the phone recently and look forward to keeping in touch. I will send you some photographs and, maybe, tell you more about my days in Korea. Paul.
MK comment: I, too, appreciated the phone conversation between Paul and me. I know that the other G/15/3 guys in our Bunker will be anxious to see Paul's photos. I, too, am looking forward to seeing his photos and want to get them soon posted for others to see. MK.
MK add-on: (28 Jan 2004) Paul's photos came and are posted. There are at least three other Bunker guys who are pictured and will especially enjoy a look-see at the
Some of My Buddies page. MK.Entry #86 - 25 Feb 2004
Harland St. George
deceased, formerly of St. Paul MN
Served in Korea: 1952; 3rd Inf Div, 3rd Recon Scout Section.
The Story: I served in the Scout Section during 1952 and, as a Sergeant, was in three campaigns.
MK add-on: (10 Dec 2004) Another sad note from a family member of a Bunker Buddy:
My father, Harland St. George, died November 26, 2004. Please delete my email address from your system.
Harland Jr.
Entry #87 - 18 Mar 2004
David J. Ferris
20 Bertha Boulevard
Beacon, New York 12508
David J. Ferris
Served in Korea:
December 1951 to July 1052 in the Hq & Hq Btry
of the 936 FA I corp.
The Story:
Cpl. David J. Ferris RA12306532 UA Army
Index Page Ten (when Page Nine is full)
3rd Division Page Bridge Page