Pearson and His Stars
Here are officers of Co A 15th Inf Rgt during the winter of 1951-1952. Behind them is the company warm-up bunker which was located a little on the "safe" side of the Company's position along the Imjin River. Maj Pearson remembers the names:
- back row, left to right -
Lt Ray
Lefevre, Cpt Lendon P Pearson, and
Lt Gene Delormier;
- front row, left to right -
Lt James
Lynch and
Lt Patrick
Although I don't speak French, or even spell it well, the spelling of the names (except for Pearson and Lynch) seems a little suspect. Any help I can get with solving that mystery will be appreciated. Even better would be finding their present whereabouts. Lt Lejeune was the 2nd Plt Leader, and a very, very good one who, like Cpt Pearson, put his men first in everything but the mission, and of equal importance to that. I wonder what Lt Lejeune did to deserve an ear-burning from Cpt Pearson; but, at least, it appears that the ears didn't burn from talking behind the back.
Col Wm T Moore, the Commander of the 15th Inf Rgt, is presenting a well
earned Bronze Star to Cpt
Lendon P Pearson,
Commander of Able Co.
The presentation took place 25 Apr 1952 and, though you can't see it here, the Able Ammo Storage Area is in the background (according to LPP). This means that, soon after the photo was taken, the 1st Bn was headed towards, or maybe had reached, Pusan. I remember that we were at the POW near Pusan on 1 May 1952, just in time for the communist labor day celebrations.
Division Page
IBB Map and Photo
- Page Two
Dinner 1951 Easy Duty
"Can Do"
Photo Index