Fred and Bob
MK comments: The top photo (furnished by Fred to Poe and by him to me) is of Bob Sutter who, by serving in the mess unit of Able Company, was held in high esteem by all of the Able men and, as reported on the just previous page, was killed in an auto accident in the 1970's.
I didn't play "Taps" in any of the KIA remembrances because hearing it once per web site is enough for me.
Both photos
were taken at the POW camp near Pusan, the spring of 1952.
As Poe reports, Bob is "securing a sanitation vehicle" in this photo. Another euphemism for the vehicle is "honey wagon". At the time, Asians had what seemed to us as a novel method of fertilizing crops - using, mostly, the most abundant product of human beings.
In the bottom photo are Bob on the left, Fred on the right, and a buddy with a name not remembered in the middle.
is a flame lit for Bob,
for his buddies, and for all our buddies no longer with us except in memory.
3rd Division Page
IBB Map and Photo
POW (and how!) Place
Page Three
"Can Do"
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